Youths Dare Police, Kick Off Protest in Lagos over Economic Hardship


A human rights group, Take It Back Movement, has begun a nationwide protest in Lagos against the economic hardship being experienced in the country.

This is despite the warning issued by the Lagos State Commissioner of Police, Adegoke Fayoade.

The protest is coming preparatory to the organised labour’s billed to start on Tuesday.

The police spokesman in Lagos, Benjamin Hundeyin had, in a statement on Sunday, quoted the Commissioner of Police, Fayoade, as warning intending protesters against violence or acts that could infringe on the rights of others, such as obstruction of traffic and paralyzing the commercial activities in the state.

Fayoade assured residents of Lagos State that necessary security measures had been put in place to protect lives and property, with or without any protest.

But on Monday, the protesters took to the streets carrying placards despite the warning.