“You’re A Drunkard” “You’re Insane” Sen Adeyemi, Abia Gov in A Spat

"You're A Drunkard" "You're Insane" Sen Adeyemi, Abia Gov in A Spat


Lawmaker representing Kogi West Senatorial Zone, Senator Smart Adeyemi, on Tuesday, got knocks from Abia State Government for describing Governor Okezie Ikpeazu as a drunkard.

Gov Ikpeazu


Governor Ikpeazu’s Chief Press Secretary,  Sir Onyebuchi Ememanka, described Adeyemi as someone suffering from “protracted case of mental illness”.


Ememanka accused Adeyemi of digressing during a debate on a motion on how to protect schools across the country.



He said the initial response of Abia Government was to ignore the story because it found it difficult to believe that a Senator will reduce both himself and the institution of the Senate to such “gutter level”.

Sen Adeyemi


However, Ememanka said the government decided to respond after confirming that indeed, the Senator made such comment.



“Our view is that the Senator is either suffering from a protracted case of mental illness or is battling with occasional fits of schizophrenia which manifests in making careless, dishonourable, unrelated and incoherent statements.



“This conclusion becomes irresistible judging from the total disconnect between the matter being discussed by the Senate and the comments made by the Senator as they affect the Governor.



“If Senator Adeyemi was of sound mind, he should have known that when it comes to education, Abia is miles ahead of his home State of Kogi. Indeed, not just in education but in every single area of development.



“If Senator Adeyemi had his faculties intact, he should have known that under the watch of Governor Okezie Ikpeazu, Abia State has maintained first position in WAEC Examinations in the entire country for five years now. Kogi has not come close to the first 20. Never!”



There had been a mild drama in the Senate when Senator Smart Adeyemi (APC, Kogi) described Governor Okezie Ikpeazu of Abia State as a “champagne drinking man”.



Adeyemi, while contributing to a motion on Safe School Initiative in Nigeria, said Abia is governed by “drunkards”.


The lawmaker was apparently responding to a social media post allegedly linked to Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe, who is from Abia.



In the post, Abaribe was said to have cast aspersion on Kogi State Governor, Yahaya Bello.



However, Abaribe said he was surprised that the Kogi Senator was making reference to a statement he did not make.



Adeyemi said while some governors were committed to the welfare and protection of their people, Abians “are governed by drunkards”.



He said: “Despite that some governors are doing their best, we are lucky to have a governor who has taken the issue of security as a serious priority.

“We are bordered by nine states, but we had an experience of the unfortunate incidents that are happening in neighbouring states.



“Some governors are committed to the protection of their people. In my state, the governor awarded contracts for the renovations of schools and provides security services to them.



“In some states where we have highly intelligent people, highly educated people, very enterprising people, like Abia, they are governed by drunkards. The governor of Abia is a champagne drinking man.



“Abia people are impoverished more than ever before. Abia people are unfortunate.”



At this point, Senate President Ahmad Lawan cautioned him against insulting the governor.