Supreme Court Upholds Sacking of APC’s David Lyon as Bayelsa State Governor

Supreme Court Upholds Sacking of APC's David Lyon as Bayelsa State Governor


The Supreme Court has upheld its earlier decision that sacked David Lyon as governor-elect of Bayelsa State and declared Douye Diri of the Peoples Democratic Party as authentic governor of the state.

The disputed judgment was delivered on February 13, barely 24 hours to the inauguration of Lyon and his running mate, Biobarakuma Degi-Eremienyo.

The five-man panel of the court led by Justice Mary Peter-Odili disqualified Degi-Eremienyo for presenting fake academic credentials to the Independent National Electoral Commission to contest the election.

The court as a result of this, nullified the joint ticket held by the APC candidates.

In a lead judgment delivered by Amina Augie, the court held that the grounds for review of the application lacked merit.

She said, “The decision of this court is final. It is final forever and no force on earth can force this court to change its decision on Bayelsa.”

Earlier, Afe Babalola, counsel to Lyon, faulted the decision of the apex court for voiding the election of the party on the grounds that cause of action was not brought into the picture.

While conceding that the apex court cannot review its decision, he however, maintained that it can set aside its own judgment.

Babalola stressed that the judgment was a nullity as it was in breach of his applicant’s right to fair hearing, adding that it was adequate grounds for the decision to be set aside.

On his part, Wole Olanipekun, counsel to the APC, said the apex court lacked jurisdiction to hear the matter in the first instance.

He added that the judgment of February 13, 2020 was a human error.

David Lyon

PDP’s counsel, Tayo Oyetibo, in his own argument, maintained that the Supreme Court remained the highest court in the land.

He submitted that the application of Lyon and the APC was a call to violate the Nigerian constitution.