COZA Pastor’s Wife Threatens “We Will Pay Back The Bullies”…As Ex-Staff Flees Abroad


Wife of the embattled senior pastor of Commonwealth of Zion Assembly, (COZA), Modele Fatoyinbo on Sunday used the opportunity of her husband’s return to the pulpit to lambast those she described as ”bullies” of God’s children.

We earlier reported that Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo, Senior Pastor of COZA returned to preaching on the pulpit after stepping down due to rape allegations against him.

Mrs. Fatoyinbo has been by her husband since the rape scandal broke out in June.

Leading a prayer session during last week service at COZA, the pastor’s wife prayed for God to have compassion on Fatoyinbo.

“God will have compassion on Biodun.

“Once again, He will choose Coza.

“He will establish them in their own country.

“Outsiders will be attracted and throw their lot in with COZA,” she said.

In an apparent reference to those termed “bullies”, Modele said, “COZA will pay them back by making slaves of them”.