Alaafin’s Granddaughter, Olori Foster Battles Facebook Poster over Monarch’s Many Wives

Alaafin's Granddaughter, Olori Foster Battles Facebook Poster over Monarch's Many Wives


Olori Foster, granddaughter of Nigeria’s flamboyant first class monarch, Alaafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Adeyemi 111 is largely a beautiful soul. She is often known for her acts of kindness and activism.



The US-based ex-supercop daughter is also doing well in her career as a public speaker, coach and a marketing professional. Her high-powered job buys her all the trappings of success. But that’s not all. Olori Foster is a tough nut to crack, too. She is never shy or afraid to take on anyone who is trying to mess with her family or anything dear to her heart.



Few days ago, the royal daughter joined the fray and descended on a controversial figure, one Havilah who was trying to drag through the mud her grandfather, Alaafin over his many young women.



In a Facebook post few days ago, Havilah took a jab at the respected monarch over his well-known love for young women. The octogenarian king is currently married to beautiful young ladies and Havilah wondering what could be attraction for the old man voiced out her dissatisfaction in a facebook post stylishly degrading the monarch over his choice of body cream.


Olori Foster known for her takes no prisoners attitude returned the salvo in equal measure schooling the author of the post on the pedigree and achievements of the revered monarch. Olori Foster did not only rubbish the post as an unverified and ignorant statement but also highlight the fact that the first monarch has a huge concentration of PhD and Masters degree holders among his children, noting that the Alaafin himself is well read.


With her detailed defense and tutorials, not only did she help to correct the false impression about her royal family. She equally showed what family bond should look like – a textbook example of family loyalty.



Recently, the beautiful Alaafin granddaughter has been involved in a lot of Covid-19 acts of kindness. For instance, during the just concluded Sallah festivities, Olori Foster showed love to about 45 to 50 single mothers with a cash donation of 10,000 naira

Olori Foster

per person to ease their burden during these hard times.



She has repeatedly shown genuine concern for single mothers and upliftment of the women folk. It has also been a winning season of sorts for the controversial royal daughter, her brother officially started his talk show and Olori Foster’s sister who is based in the United States also welcomed a baby.