Celebrating Elder Alfred Nunu @72 *by Emmanuel Ajibulu

Celebrating Elder Alfred Nunu @72 *by Emmanuel Ajibulu


A birthday is a momentous occasion to be commemorated just as a nation commemorates its birth or as an organization celebrates its founding.



It is also a time to celebrate birth itself. It is an expression of thanks to God for being born and still being alive, an occasion to rethink one’s life. It is a great time to reflect on one’s past, evaluate one’s present, and make plans for the future. It is a time when one’s past intersects with one’s present and future.



Interestingly, there is one Nigerian who has every reason to yearly celebrate his birthday and loves to quote this scripture, “Teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90: 12). That distinguished individual is Elder Alfred Ada Nunu who on Sunday, August 16, 2020 marked his 72nd birthday anniversary.



It was a unique day of thanksgiving and profound gratitude to God for Elder Nunu, a day that was equally greeted with encomiums from children, grandchildren, family members, friends, close associates, church members, colleagues, etc. With no shred of doubt his 72nd birthday anniversary is a milestone worth celebrating.



For pa Nunu, August 16 of every year is a remarkable and auspicious day to celebrate success, resilience, excellence, generosity, kindness, humility, optimism, patriotism, and many more as typified by this thoroughbred Itsekhiri septuagenarian, his vicissitudes notwithstanding.



Reminiscing on his meritorious youthful days, records have it Pa Nunu started his career in insurance with the defunct Unity Life and Fire Insurance Company as a Sales Representative in 1975 and recorded many indelible achievements and laurels.



He subsequently left the company in 1985 to become a Registered Insurance Agent to various insurance companies in Nigeria, like Unique Insurance Company, defunct Crusader Insurance, including Unity Life and Fire Insurance Company where he first worked, among others.



Several years after, and due to old age, Elder Nunu subsequently limited his service as a Registered Insurance Agent only to Custodian and Allied Insurance Limited. He is equally a member of Association of Registered Insurance Agents of Nigeria (ARIAN).



Elder Nunu is blessed with four successful children all doing well in their various fields of endeavor with promising and wonderful grandchildren who reside both in United Kingdom and Nigeria.



Papa Nunu is a devoted Christian and also an Elder in the famous Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) and doesn’t joke with fasting and prayer. He also has penchant for fieding everyone around him with the words of God, sharing life experiences especially with the youths so as to guide them to avoid the pitfalls of life.



On this 72nd birthday of a quintessential and an amazing grandfather, it is indeed, a unique opportunity to salute his selfless and unwavering commitment to humanity and astonishing accomplishments in life.



It is hoped he would continue to usher in more grace to his accomplishments as he continues to further manifest his destined greatness.

Happy birthday to you, Elder Alfred Nana Nunu, God bless your new age

Elder Alfred Nunu

and may your joy knows no bounds. Congratulations.


-Ajibulu, a journalist and social commentator, writes from Lagos