“You’re A Beggar!” …Liz Anjorin Attacks Ronke Oshodi-Oke


Actress Liz Anjorin has again taken to social media to slam actress Ronke Oshodi-Oke for poking fun at her at a party they both attended.

A few weeks ago, Ronke Oshodi-Oke took to social media to caution her colleagues for the display of their worldly possessions on social media.

Though Ronke didn’t mention names, Liz Anjorin felt the video was also directed at her and replied, describing Ronke as ‘evil, wicked and an old jobless beggar’.

Now things eventually cooled off on social media after the outburst, but it has now kick-started after they attended the same party over the weekend.

According to Liz’s rant, Ronke while handling the mic made mention of the fact that she was called a beggar, and this made her uncomfortable as she felt harassed.