South African Big Babe, Daphney Sanasie, Shares Her Private Lifestyle


Daphney Sanasie, South African business lady, shares her success secrets and business exploits with GLOBAL EXCELLENCE in this interview. Enjoy.How was your growing up like?

You know that’s a difficult question to answer personally for myself because Two- thirds of South African children live in poverty. Children in Africa in general face numerous challenges resulting from widespread poverty and inequality. Challenges of children growing up in south africa include child-headed households; orphans and vulnerable children; the inequality of the education system; inadequate housing; widespread hunger; limited access to basic services; HIV/Aids; and inadequate child health care. It’s horrendous..So I feel good and bad about my privilege background of growing in stable middle class family. Both my parents worked. I was a last born of siblings. It was the 90s during final stages of Apartheid when Nelson Mandela was going to be released. Big age difference from my siblings. I was showered with love and good education. The bad part of of my childhood was not realising how the other half lived in a way it made me weak growing up because I also faced abused going to white schools as I did not know any difference I was not prepared for that. I think we can talk all day about my childhood and all the difficulties I have overcome as a person as a black strong women that I am today.

How did your career begin and what were the development and challenges?

I grew up with my mum. I sold sweets in school. My mum was very hard working. She was a dress maker. I had my first job at age 14 in a supermarket. Living with a single mum was a challenge but I’m glad the challenge made me stronger and Independent.

Tell us about your career’s success secret.

Focus is key, study the market well and learn something new every day.

Why are you in love with Nigeria?

Laughs… Well, I had been here once before for a Christmas charity event and I loved the reception by the people. I love the music too. By the way, I’m also a musician and I have done a reality TV show as well. Nigerian music is the future.

What projects brought you into Nigeria? I’m currently into oil and gas business. I am looking into trade and investments between Europe and Africa. I have a major project I’m currently working on. A lot of my colleagues have huge interests in investing in Africa.

Who are your role models?

My Sister and my mother.

How do you cope with advances from African men?

African men in general. Firstly I have never dated nor been with one. I find them very respectful. I’m currently single.

What schools did you attend and where are you from?
I half South african half Namibian my dad is indian my mum is black I relocated to London many years ago to study. I attended a private school called Drakensburg Girls, I studied hospitality immediately after high school I have worked In several hotels and openings of
restaurants I specialised in marketing and management. I am also a law graduate I have my own company we do shipping,real estate.


Where do you see yourself in the next few years? 

I would have my women’s charity organisation running throughout Africa and I plan to have several companies including oil and gas company.