SEIZED COMMONWEALTH CITIZENS FUNDS: Bank Of England Compelled To Enforce Release By UK Banks




British firebrand activist, prof. Alexia Thomas, is on the chase and continued advocacy for the values and virtues of the people of Commonwealth, with her wealth of knowledge. According to her in a recent statement, the British Conservative ruling government never gave the people of commonwealth independent rather they gave them sovereignty.


Professor Thomas stated that, her party, the Commonwealth Liberation Party, gave the people of commonwealth nations, freedom by unlocking the code of knowledge. She stressed that her cry for justice eas based on the fact she is an oracle, affirming she is a British ancient spirit of Queen Elizabeth and a reincarnation from the 15th century disguised in the body of a black woman. Also, she declared that her silence will bring jeopardy, as she will no longer be quiet to watch her British families disrobed by the coloured people’s civilization and enrichment.


Prof. Thomas therefore has unveiled her scheme, the Commonwealth Regeneration Brigadier, aiming to relocate people of the Commonwealth Nations back to their roots in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean, for nation building by purging them out of Europe where they are presently working as willing slaves, because of failures of their home governments. The demagogue professor therefore predicted that, by the year 2035, the white man will beg to see coloured people in their lands.

Also, speaking on “banks conspiracy to defraud commonwealth citizens”, Prof. Thomas said that “from time to time, banks and building societies inform customers of account closure and instruct them to make alternative banking arrangements. But this is quite different from the closure of the bank accounts belonging to Cоmmоnwеаlth Citizens from nations of Afriса, Asia and the Caribbean whоѕе bank aссоuntѕ have bееn unlawfully closed and monies seized.”


Thomas maintains that the United Kingdom banks closure of Cоmmоnwеаlth Pеорlе’ѕ accounts with no relevant rеаѕоns is a criminal offеnсе and the action соntrаvеnеѕ Equality Act 2010 (c.15), part 2 chарtеr 1, section 9 and Rасе Relations Act of 1976.


The Oracle then stamps her authority as the chairman of the Commonwealth Liberation Party (TCLP), UK, that her latest demand is justice for the people of Commonwealth both home and abroad who are victims. She accused the UK banks decision as a ploy to nail the Commonwealth People in coffins, intentionally depower their civilization enrichment through the embattled Conservative Party’s horror bills enshrined as law.


The banks, she stated, are now under a mandate to recall their records of persons named in such circumstance and are under serious mandate to release their money and reinstate the functioning of their bank accounts which were illegally closed.


She said that the British banks, for the past 25 years, have enshrined their institution in disguise of legislative policies denying Commonwealth Citizens rights of treaty as compelled by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) 1948. She then warned that the UK banks must be very careful as ‘politics, a turmoil of men’s insanity to changing the rules when the policies prescribe not, will result in banks closure as the inscription of policies cannot relegate the legislation decree of static, and that there is possibility the banks could lose their licenses as merchants if facts emerge they partook in the injustice caused on the Citizens of Commonwealth through accepting the illogical policies created by politicians to segregate the colored peoples’ rights.


“The banks are demanded to release commonwealth monies or risked being sued for abuse of power ambit penalization or else the banks will pay out serious compensations, hence being regulated by financial institutions are not above the law,” she warns.