Relationship: For Love, Money or Sex?


A female acquaintance once told me in confidence that she is no longer in love with her man because he is a serial cheat. She ranted about all the efforts she made for him and how he betrayed her despite her sacrifices.

As a friend, I listened intently as she reeled out everything she did. What pissed her more was her guy (stressed for emphasis) using the DP of the girl he cheated with. Chisos, she exclaimed! The tale seems to be unending and I lost interest. This was last year December.
However, to my utter surprise, she recently informed me that she is back with him! She gleefully and excitedly announced. I was astonished and was wondering the rationale for accepting a serial cheat back. After all, she had confessed to me that she does not love him. She added I want to ‘chop’ his money. I said to myself you are now talking. I asked her again-Is that why you accepted him back? She was suddenly tongue-tied. Of course, the guy is rich, gives her money for her upkeep but will she deny him what he wants? I think I should mind my business now!

Many people have fallen into this booby trap. They ignore and accommodate certain ridiculous traits and attitudes in the hope that their lover will change. But, the undeniable fact is that they are already made. A man that batters his partner before marriage will not suddenly stop the habit overnight. The battery routine is like the switch between day and night. During the day, he is apologetic and at night, he is intoxicated by battery alcohol. Sadly, because of one reason or the other, some women accept the situation and stay put in the relationship.

So, why are you in that relationship? Obviously, we all have a reason for dating someone. Whatever it may be, we take a look at why some people enter into relationships. Is it for love? money? Sex? You should be your own judge at the end of this piece!


If love were a judge, he will sentence many Nigerians to jail. Love used to be a sacred word. A four- letter word that you say only when you really mean it. However, lovers of  nowadays carelessly profess their love to their partner.

Love is a feeling. A feeling of care, compassion and passion towards someone. Your heart skips whenever you are around him or her. When two people are in love, you can see it in their eyes. No doubt, if the foundation of any relationship is hinged on love, it will blossom. But many say that love died in the movie titled titanic. With hearts being shattered and relationships lasting few months; this is not far from the truth. Love is as pure as a cotton but humans have stained it with their filthy hands! Do you love him or her?


Another female friend told me about her boyfriend who preferred busty ladies. And because of this, they broke up because she did not have what she wanted. But the guy did not leave without having sex with her. The craze for figure-eight has prompted some women to squeeze themselves into clothes that are not their size.

Women want tall, dark and handsome men. And he must have 6 packs and a stud. For the men, pretty, fine-faced, fair in completion and ‘endowed’. What about the slim women!? All these boil down to sex.

Unsurprisingly, today’s men and women are exploring sex more and it is in very few relationships that partners abstain from it. Now, the mantra is no sex, no relationship or giving me sex means you love me.

FairGodwin commenting on a popular blog on what attracts him to women said “Well, let me be honest. I really don’t care if she has a fine face or not, provided she’s busty, I mean really busty. Also, I don’t care if she’s got butt or not. I am just not attracted to slim girls: a plump and chubby lady would do.”

No money, no love. Is this really the case? The demands of some persons have ended pleasant relationships. Buy me Brazilian hair, baby buy me a Rolex watch or my love take me to Dubai. What! You want to convert him or her to your ATM?

Money is very important in any relationship. A relationship without money can be topsy-turvy. Besides, when money is everything, that is where the money wind blows you. Parents are not helping matters, they expect their child to bring home a wealthy man. But, what happens when the money evaporates?


  -Ogunfowoke Adeniyi