A Look Into Nigeria In September 2017



Quote – “Life is an adventure — –Live it. “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” Changing with time is to be dynamic. Dynamism is to be in conformity with every change”

“The best restructuring for Nigeria is for the country to change her name. Nigeria’s problem is Spiritual. The spirit world governs the physical world.”
The Effect  of August 13, 2017 to September 5, 2017 PERIOD.. BY SCHEREY M . MOMOH.

Mercury on backward motion signifies–
—–Do not start anything new.
—Do not make important decisions
—- Do not buy computers, appliances, TVs, radios, etc.
—Do not travel without back-up plans
—-Do not sign contracts
—-Do not  buy a car
— Do not negotiate a contract
— Do not file a lawsuit
—Do not start a new job
—–Do not go on a “first” date
—-Do not expect things to move quickly
— Do not take anything for granted


—-New projects to fail
— Angrier people
—- Crazy drivers
—- More accidents
—- Computer problems and breakdowns
—- Computers crash
—-Software develops unexpected glitches
—- More mistakes
—–Slow mail
—- Letters get lost on the mail
—Wrong directions
—- Missed appointments
—– Dead cell phone batteries
——Machinery breaks down.

This is a positive time to tie up loose ends, reconnect with people from the past, make mechanical repairs and get systems in order.
—Re-do hair color
—– Re-write your resume
—- Review your bank account
—-Repair your car
—– Re-contact past associates
—- Research
—- Read and re-read contracts. Have someone else look them over, too.
—— When traveling, leave early and allow for extra travel time
——- Count your belongings, things get lost when Mercury messes us up.
——-Check your travel plans several times.
—— Be prepared for delays.
—–If you need to, ask questions over and over during negotiations
——Mail packages and letters early. Check the zip codes.
——- Mail important items so you can track them–registered, certified, return receipt.
——  If you are making purchases, keep your sales receipt and know the store’s return policy.
—– Keep your cell phone battery charged.
——  Watch your driving.

—-As it affects nations and individuals
KEYWORD for August: Watch
COLOR for August: BLUE
LUNAR Eclipse: August 7
SOLAR Eclipse: August 21
Uranus Retrograde: August 3
Mercury Retrograde: August 12
Saturn DIRECT: August 25

This is the month for watching and waiting, for reviewing, editing, and thinking. It is not a month for making any major or life changing decisions. Wait until mid-Sep if you can. There may be people or things leaving your life or changing in some way this month. That could make a difference in your decisions
This is an ending month, transitions and transformation month globally.  It’s a month of completion, unraveling and letting go of the old to make space for change. This change can be somewhat dramatic and tumultuous—affecting possessions, relationships, jobs, geographical location, spirituality, and health. It’s all under review this year.
This is a month that’s inviting you (oh, let’s be honest, it’s forcing you) to move on to an even more expansive cycle in your life if you choose to let go and allow what’s no longer serving you to fall away.
Don’t despair at all the “heaviness”—this is also a month where you can revel in the successful culmination of all that you’ve been working towards for the past eight months. It’s a time where your dreams can manifest almost instantly if you’re ready to let go of everything that’s no longer serving your best interests.

August generates an unanticipated ending. How you manage sudden change is of the essence because, in September, your BRAND NEW Cycle finally breaks through. But don’t get comfortable, October might also trigger two unrelated situations that occur at once, and how you manage these situations determines how your brand new cycle will fan out. Whatever the situation is, in December it can cause financial troubles, a job loss, legal matters, rivalries, or accelerate health problems. There could also be a new job offer, business contract, or loan approved in December, so don’t despair just yet.  Try not to stress so much!  Remember, it’s important to start out on the right foot and that requires sensible and careful decisions. Keep in mind, not in January, as most people assume, but August, ends it all.

————————–The article below on Nigeria was posted since middle of July 2017.


—-What Will This August, 2017 Bring?

WATCHWORDS—– Anger, Action, New, Courage, leadership, Rebirth, seed planting.


Full Moon — August 7, 2017.

New Moon— AUGUST  21, 2017.


August is the eighth month according to the English calendar. The month begins on a Tuesday and ends on a Thursday with a total of 31 calendar days. August  2017 is a month of paternity crises, leadership issues, The past year 2016 expedition/ budget/spending/abandoned projects,  Review of last year spending or issues relating to the immediate past,  truth, change, Rebirth, transitions, death of a popular politician,  children issues, always find out the whereabouts of your children this period. Challenges in departments, or ministries and challenges in the area of controlling, demanding and also, it signifies a reluctance or inability to make commitments.

A very busy month with new starts and major decisions. Be honest, assertive, innovative and courageous, forge ahead and take the lead and aim for the top.

This is a great month to expect others to do exactly what you tell them to do. Emphasizing the uniqueness, or newness, of whatever you’re offering will increase sales. Limited time offers & fast action bonuses do well this day.
The month is prone to violence, wildfires, accidents. Also, it brings business success, using or abusing power, responsibility and money are still the issues in August 2017.




If you are not led by the spirit of God or your intuitive voice, you may be a victim of these evil dates. Here are the dates prone to evil in this month of August.


August 2, 2017.

August 11, 2017.

August 20, 2017.

August 29, 2017

August 3, 2017.

August 12, 2017.

August 21, 2017.

August 30, 2017.

August  5, 2017.

August 14, 2017.

August 23, 2017.

August 31, 2017.

August 5, 2017

August 14, 2017.

August 23, 2017.

August 6, 2017.

August 15, 2017.

August 24, 2015.

August 7, 2017.

August  16, 2017.

August 25, 2017.

August 8, 2017.

August 17, 2017.

August 26, 2017.


These evil dates bring bad news, accidents, fatalities, injuries, plane-crashes, sorrows, disasters, self-defeats, bad weather, rain disasters, disappointments, premature deaths, sudden deaths, natural disasters, terror attacks, explosion or fire outbreak, bad luck, etc. The eve of these dates should not also be taken for granted too.

Days Of  Taking Action in Nigeria are—-

August 9, August 18, August 27,


Days of Challenges in Nigeria are —–

August  6, August 15, August 24,


Days Of Changes in Nigeria are —

August  4,  August 13,  August 22. August 31.



Mr. Scherey. M. Momoh is a world-class Nigerian clairvoseer, trance- numerologist, Visionary, electromagnetic reader, directionologist, intuitive counselor, Yogi, facilitator, consultant, Writer, Columnist & Author…Mr  Scherey is a spiritual entrepreneur, Ceo/Chief consultant ezepheyreon global readings ( An affiliate of Ezepheyreon  nigeria)
Contact: 07036557250,  08115143273,
Emails   Lifeyouwereborntolive@gmail. com