Property Merchant, Olumide Aderinokun Unveiled …His Politics, Social And Love Life

Olumide and his beautiful wife
Olumide; as a sports enthusiast
Olumide Aderinokun, real estate player and charity ambassador


The apple, like they say, doesn’t fall far from the tree. And when are you privileged to be a member of a prominent family like the Aderinokun of this world, a family of corporate gladiators reputed for excellence in Corporate Nigeria, then nothing but competence is always the expectation. Another representative of the Aderinokuns leading the family’s march to global prominence is none other than style dictator, Olumide Aderinokun.


The unassuming young man is one of the shinning lights in Nigeria’s real estate sector. His flourishing Davades Property company is one of the fastest growing and most sought-after Real Estate company in Nigeria.


His company’s name is synonymous with excellence and integrity in the Nigerian real estate sector. He has revolutionized the practice and operations of Real Estate business in this part of the world. He has changed the game. Gone are the good old days of just buying and selling properties. The Davades Property winning strategy is the creation of value to its clientele rather than the craze for profits. Olumide Aderinokun, who can best be described as a whizkid, is passionate about creating opportunities for more working class people to own their own houses.


With a series of other thriving businesses, Olumide, who has been active presence in humanitarian ventures is set to serve humanity by offering himself for service in the coming general 2019 elections. For Olumide Aderinokun, it is time to hearken to the cries of the good people of Abeokuta North, Odeda, Obafemi/Owode constituency for quality representation at the Green Chambers. Trust Olumide never to abandon his people in their hour of need, he has hit the ground running. There are plans in the pipeline to kick off his campaign officially soon with various empowerment schemes aimed at rescuing his people from the jaws of poverty. Olumide, is a strong member of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP in Ogun state.


On the home front, Olumide is a passionate lover who has mastered the art of keeping the fire burning in his flame of love. He is married to a paragon of beauty, Stephanie Coker, and their union can be described as a match made in heaven. Olumide Aderinokun is one of emerging political heavyweights in Ogun state and his profile has been on a steady rise.


-Adeniyi Adeyinka