Pheelz Is Proud of Afrobeats!


Phillip Kayode Moses, often known as Pheelz, a music producer and vocalist has embraced the Afrobeats label describing it as the soul of the Nigerian people.

In an interview, Pheelz discussed the dilemma of artists that choose to detach from the Afrobeats moniker.

According to the hitmaker, Afrobeats is a movement powered by the energy of Nigerian and African people.

He stated that, while some artists have the freedom to associate or detach from the movement, he connects with it and will gladly wave its banner.

He said: “For me, I feel like it’s a tag for how we make our music. It’s a form of identifying what we do and where we are from. To some degree, it’s a form of collective decision by us Africans or Nigerians or the culture that let us move with this.  I choose to respect that collective decision and be part of that consciousness and boldly and proudly wave this flag.”

Regarding whether the “Afrobeats” tag is restrictive, Pheelz claimed that being an Afrobeats artist does not limit him from creating genres.

Commenting on the cases of artists rejecting the Afrobeats tag, Pheelz said: “Now is the time to even educate the world on what we have and what light we bring because the whole attention is on us. This is the time to teach, collaborate and come together to save this light.”