Ogun Partners Firm To Unlock Agric Potential


Towards alleviating hunger and poverty, Ogun State Government has pledged continuous collaboration with Heifer International to unlock its potential for food sufficiency.

Heifer International is a development organisation working to end hunger and poverty around the world by providing livestock and training.

Commissioner for Agriculture and Food Security, Bolu Owotomo who made this known during a meeting with the Interim Country Director, Nigeria, Heifer International, Dr Lekan Tobe in Abeokuta said the partnership would deepen the relationship between the state government and the organisation.

Owotomo, who said the meeting was in continuation of previous collaboration with the company when he was the General Manager of the State Agricultural Development Corporation noted that there was a need to design and implement programmes that directly benefit farmers.

He added that the priority of government was to increase farmers’ productivity and income, develop value chain, support the inclusion of youth and women in the agricultural sector and optimise existing agricultural assets in the state.