Nigerian Doctor, Hubby Accused Of Trafficking, Enslaving Maid In UK


Dr Ayodeji and her husband, Abimbola Adewakun have been accused of engaging in mordern day slavery in the UK.

The Nigerian couple were alleged to have re accused of trafficked a Nigerian woman to the UK before making her work 18-hour shifts and beating her when she asked for higher wages.

Dr Ayodeji Adewakun, 44, and Abimbola Adewakun, 48, are alleged to have paid babysitter, Iyabo Olatunji, just £20 (N9,000 Nigerian currency) a week for looking after their two young children at home in Erith, South East London.

Ms Olatunji, 37, told Southwark Crown Court that she was also made to work long, arduous days cleaning their house before staying late and cooking the couple’s dinner.

She claimed that when she asked for higher wages, she was slapped repeatedly by Mr and Mrs Adewakun.