“My Dress Is My Brand” …Denrele Edun




Weird TV personality, Denrele Edun is a household name.  AKIN SOKOYA cornered him at an event recently and he told him about his latest project, his

family, why he’s single at the moment and his plan to settle down soon.  


What is new about Denrele?

I am always on the move.  No time to rest, and no time to sleep.  I have featured in several movies yet to be released.  I also featured in a series for the United Nations.  I am a hustler.

Where can we tag you with now?

I am a freelancer, I work with everyone.

How can you describe yourself?

I am a local champion and just a regular guy.  I don’t care about what people say about me, I do what I want to do and I am happy about it.

Do you enjoy your lifestyle?

I love who I am and I love what I am doing.  I follow my own philosophy and I love my life.

What informed your kind of crazy attire to events?

It is an impression of my personality.  I like people to respect me for what I wear.  I wear what suits me.

What is the reaction of your siblings towards your lifestyle?

I am the first and only son, I only have younger sisters.  They have accepted me the way I am, because my lifestyle and my dress sense fetch me money which I am taking home; so, my family are comfortable with my lifestyle.

Do you plan to change your lifestyle later?

When I started, a lot of people were laughing at me but today, they have come to reckon with me.

What if you are offered millions of dollars to change your crazy dress sense and lifestyle?

It depends on how huge the money is, if the offer comes, I may accept it.

How much does your single outing cost you?

It costs a lot but at times, I get them as gift.

When are you settling down for marriage?

That will come very soon and you shall be the Chairman of the day…. (laughter)