“My 5 Wardrobe Essentials” …Star Actress, Tonto Dike Shares Her Lifestyle Secrets



Sizzling Nollywood star actress, Tonto Dike, last weekend, spoke exclusively to the Editor, FOLORUNSHO HAMSAT, about her fashion taste. Also, she touched on her personal pride, career and more. Enjoy reading…


You are a successful actress; let’s talk about you as a humanitarian.

I have always had the passion and love for extending arms and helping hands to people who I expect nothing in return from. My humanitarian journey started with just wanting to help the motherless kids experience love, fun and joy like I did whilst growing up and it has grown bigger than that. That’s done through my Foundation, Tonto Dikeh Foundation.



How does playing difficult character sometimes affect your lifestyle in reality?

I learnt from the very beginning of the career how to intensively blend my movie characters completely into my character without a trace of the real me, also I learnt how to snap out of these characters once the cameras are off.


So, none of these characters ever reflected on how you act in real life?

Well, unluckily, the only effect these characters I play have on me is the public perception. Something like, ‘oh, she plays a prostitute too well in movies, and then she must be a prostitute in real life. Somehow, fans find a way to attach the attributes of your movie personality to your real life and honestly, that’s regrettable.



If you had three movies to watch on a free weekend, what would be your best choices?

‘Celebrity Marriage’, featuring yours truly; ‘Body Language’ and ‘Wives On Strive Revolution’.


Which celebrity gives you style inspiration?

Toke Makinwa is it.


What’s your style like?

My Style is very conservative; bold and extremely comfortable. I think comfort is a priority for me.


What are your five wardrobe essentials that you feel every woman should have?

Spanks, good bras, good belts, jeans and Tee tops.


What’s your must-apply makeup?

Lip gloss.


How would you rate your personal style?

100 percent! l am that selfless ! (laughter)


From a professional context, what do you feel are your greatest strength and weakness?

My greatest strength is, being Tonto. My greatest weakness is, being Tonto.


What has been your greatest accomplishment as an actress?

As a human, it’s my son. As an actress, none. I feel there is so much more there. I can’t tell for now, though.