JUNE 2022:  Month of Fatality, Fate, Lawlessness, Dharma and The unexpected in Nigeria By Scherey M. Momoh.



Always sow the seed of good thoughts not evil thoughts.

JUNE 2022:  Month of Fatality, Fate, Lawlessness, Dharma and The unexpected in Nigeria By Scherey M. Momoh.

—-Full moon  14, 2022.
—-New moon  29, 2022.

The June 2022 month is prone to fortitude, huge losses, casualties, fires disasters, auto crashes, air disasters, bombings, gun shootings, radical energy, protests, streets nuisance, instability, emergency responds and electrical issues.  There may be changes in the domestic scene, family, work related issues such as manner of handling work or job designated to you.  June is all about foundation, framework, discipline and details in the ongoing events and trend in Nigeria. One should be careful not to be caught off balance, be alert.

Key Highlights
—–Wind, weather changes.
—-Public functionaries.
—– Structures/restructurings
—–working systems.
——Ruling system
—– protests.
——fatal deaths.
——- Accidents
——-Control, procrastination, work issues. Justice, the law.
——- Planning, civilization, scheming, keeping secrets.
—— The unexpected, last minute change etc.
——The future, reciprocal action or law of karma
——-Redemption, Retribution, lunacy.
——-The armed forces-Army, navy, air force, police etc.
——– emergencies and disaster management.
—–Sick women
—— cancer
——-Heart attacks.
—— Hard Drugs
—–Self-deceiving through pursing follies and hate and bigotry.
—–The energy denotes failure and mistakes.

Mark of the beast —666 code numbers
—–The number 666 for the mark of the beast warns of treachery, deception symbolizing material aspect of life in conflict or trying to destroy the spiritual, mankind;  trying to deceive fellow men because of money. It is a wake-up call to all leaders of all nations even the pretenders. All nations of the world have one or other issues as regard the 666 mark of the beast. The current global year 2022 is warning and addressing bad leaderships among all nations such as anti-government protests, welfare matters and other issues. The energy brings wars, earthquakes, weather changes and danger from the elements.

It relays wisdom, counseling Nigeria to move on from old, unproductive habits and patterns. It presents the idea that she can’t expect different, favorable outcomes when you do the same thing over and over again.
Divine message for June 2022.
Signifies balance, harmony and stability – It is time to find balance and harmony not injustice. Likewise, it reminds you to focus on your family, which you might have neglected along the way. It warns against satanic wealth and all kinds of wickedness.
The Supreme Lord Father of all souls is far from the wicked but hears the prayer of the Righteous. The holy book stated also that Righteousness exalts a nation.
Affected Dominant Geo political Zones and personal locations are
—south eastern states.
—–Northern eastern states
—–North western states.
—–South southern states.
—–South western states

Dates prone to Action in June 2022
June 6, June 15, June 24,  2022.

Dates prone to changes in June 2022
June 1, June 10, June 28,  2022.

Dates prone to challenges in June 2022
June 2, June 11, June 20, June 29, June 1, June 10, June 19, June 28, 2022.

Dates prone to evil in June 2022 in Nigeria.

–June 1.
–June 10
—June 19
—June 28
—–June 2
——June 11.
—–June 20.
—-June 29.
——June 4,
——-June 13
—-June 22.
——June 31.
——June 5.
—–June  14
——-June 23.
——-June 8,
——-June 17.
——-June 26.
——–June 9.
——–June 18.
——–June 27.

These negative dates in June 2022 bring bad news, accidents, fatalities, injuries, plane-crashes, sorrows, disasters, self-defeats, bad weather, rainstorm, natural disasters, disappointments, premature deaths, sudden deaths, natural disasters, terror attacks, explosion or fire outbreak, bad luck, etc. The eve of these dates should not also be taken for granted as well.

2022 Global year Calendar— what is it all about?
The year is all about love and love related issues. finance, finance related issues and work, work related issues. citizenship, citizenship related issues, boundary, boundary related issues, injustice, injustice related issues and relationship issues. The major themes of the global year 2022 are test of responsibility, temptation, protests, agitations, trials, injustice and spiritual wickedness in the societies and families among nations of the world internal problems and their leaders. The global year 2022 is a big test for leaders of nations all over the world with their citizens or subjects. When people in power called politicians rigged themselves into power, they may not have the technical knowledge to govern a country. It is a test of responsibility versus Blame, across the globe. Personally, a year of in-laws, siblings and extended family wars, covetousness etc.
The year is prone and promotes nurturing, care, peace, calmness, clear conscience, true and divine love, more money and money issues,  entertainment, comfort, businesses increase but depends on your mindset, sharing, healing, marriages, reunions, pregnancies or making babies. 2022 is a year miracle for those looking for the fruits of the womb while the negative of the year brings separations of unions, divorces, seductions, infidelity, infatuations, lust, issues of domestic tyranny, sexual violence, issues of rape, get rich schemes, shortcut to success, drug related issues, mafias, indecent dressings, meddling, interference and protests and unrest. This 2022 global calendar is a health year that gives a strong warning as well. Other personal health issues are gynecological, sexual diseases of private parts are indicated. There will be manifestation of the mark of the beast (666) during the year. The  2022 calendar is a cunning and tricky year. Leaders across the world must be very careful.
Under the law of vibration-Europe and Asian countries will be more in the news either for good or bad than any continent or country of the world in 2022 Calendar year.

It is all about home, family, domestic, community, service, beauty, music, dance, creation, motherhood and fatherhood issues. The year is also prone to trials, temptation and all round challenges.

Nigeria@61years, A period of Purity, of the spirit and discovery By Scherey M. Momoh (World exclusive)

Congratulations to the Government and people of Nigerians as the nation clocks 61 years of existence on earth. The high points of the age 61 years are about applying wisdom and its applications, spiritual rebirth, Spirit of God, spiritual discovery, spirits, Aura of mystery, haunted ghosts, quarrels, disruptions, upheaval, catastrophe, divine intervention, stroke of fate, reversal of fortune, destruction of old structure and ways, misfortune, accidents, wildfires, plane crashes, fires, fear, money losses, business losses, destruction of lives and properties, vacations, legal issues, spouses health, emergence of social or popular movements during Nigeria@61 years. I see break down of law and orders, economic and businesses losses, humiliation, sudden change, upheaval, liberation, free from bondage.  The new Nigeria age is also exposing deceits, lies, propaganda, evil, manipulations and mysteries. Yes, Nigeria at 61 years is strongly prone to the spirits, spiritual discovery, purity, truth, peace, intuition, voice of the spirit, concentration, contemplation, meditation, prayers, looking inward, introspection, thinking deep, Supreme will of God reign, divine intervention reign, knowledge, wisdom and understanding of God all the way.  Top secrets exposed, analytical mind with facts, research, health challenges, many politicians that are not pure may face health challenges or lose their positions. This period in Nigeria has the energy of distress, procrastination, self- injury, self-sabotage, separation, unwelcome changes, unexpected changes, adversity, deception, ruin, tyranny, depression, imprisonment and ongoing depression. The challenges of the age 61 years in Nigeria are treachery, deceits, illusion, disillusionment, disappointment, suspicion, skepticism, secret, dream, confusion, anxiety, deceits, manipulations etc. Nigeria at 61 years indicates love of good society and comfortable living but there is a spirit of day dreaming and many plans remain unexecuted. This means the entire energy of Nigeria at 61 years is a karmic energy inclined. Nigeria’s inability to unite, cooperate, and know themselves gives room to her current negative forces and vulnerability.

NB– Nigeria@ 61 years is a business, financial and project failure throughout the age. Nothing good will come out on the part of government except for embezzlement. Truth will reveal all fake projects and businesses.

October 2021 to February 2022–  This is a waiting period in Nigeria. This period also signifies change of view, submission, stop, look and listen. The period brings sacrificial lamb, letting go, isolation, reversal of current situation or change, growth, mass protests, youths’ unrest, financial and business losses, transition, trials, prophecy etc.

February 2022 to June 2022—Harmony and flow, protection, moderation in all things, cooperation, economy, good communication. Emotion and feelings, conflicts, competing interests, hostilities, self-doubt, emotional instability, uncertainty, inconsistency etc.

June 2022 to October 2022— This is a period of change, release and transformation. This energy is associated with suspicion and misconception. Change that will bring an end to condition that no longer serve a useful purpose.
Overall energy of Nigeria@61 years — Misery, distress, indigence, adversity, calamity, disgrace, deception and ruin. It is an energy of unforeseen catastrophe.

Meaning, a destructive energy, upheaval, earthquakes, chaos, dangers and explosions. The energy also brings nervousness, asperity, aggressiveness, concern, longing, agility, confusion,.

Health— Accidents, drugs, illusion, delusion, intoxication, fraud, mistake, danger, dissimulation and mysterious sickness.

Nigeria@ 61 years is not a favorable vibration to Nigerian leaders unless you are pure before God, The Supreme.

Nigeria@61 years will be more of people of united force, teamwork, cooperation and one mind as Nigeria@61 years is a big test of spiritual sensitivity and security consciousness. This is a new age of knowing whether she knows herself as a Nigeria and her environments and borders.
This new age of Nigeria is prone to fear of being discovered. Repression, hidden emotions, isolation, fears linked to religion, or negative spirituality has the intelligence to deal with insecurity; beware of under cover  people. The age 61 is also of feelings and philosophy. The tower destruction, radical and painful transformation, end of something, renovation, obstacles, courage and self-criticism etc.

–The source.
—Founding fathers.
—River Niger.
—River Benue.
—The eagle.
—-The media
—-History and Historians.
— Missing Children.

— The truth
—Spiritual bliss
—Spiritual discovery
—-Divine knowledge.
—Aura of mystery
—Haunted ghosts
—Cry of innocent blood.
–Exposing evil doers.
—Exposing Spiritual wickedness.
—–Chronic health or strange sickness.
—-Long distance travel.
—-Looking within.
—-Search for answers
—–Truth, secretive and open issues
—–Specialization on something.
——Meditation and prayer.

Months of actions Nigeria@61years
December 2021.
March 2022.
June 2022.