Joseph Iranola Akinlaja: Exemplary Septuagenerian With Enduring Legacies *by Emmanuel Ajibulu

Joseph Iranola Akinlaja: Exemplary Septuagenerian With Enduring Legacies *by Emmanuel Ajibulu


Hon. (Comrade) Joseph Iranola Akinlaja did not just emerge in the trade union or political leadership strata from the blues, but he is one unique individual that time and season have inexplicably made to be an iconic brand with a date with destiny.

He is a lone candle that has light up numerous others. Yet, he is not resting on his oars in being a blessing to others.

He typifies a real man that smiles when he is beset with troubles, where others laments, he looks out for solution. He gathers strength by distress and brave by reflection.

He is known for espousing insightful and positive leadership, while also changing the trajectory of people’s lives. As a transformational leader, he has penchant for propagating the highest levels of integrity, fairness, patience, and a demonstratable commitment to the encouragement of team members, mentees and protégés.

One essential quality that astounds many people is his forgiving spirit. He will rather be hard on himself and soft on others. When you do anything to unsettle him and think forgiveness is far away, he merely lòok away and move on and his loyalists soar in number in line with Josiah Royce’s concept of what makes a man sticks to another like a glue in his popular book the “philosophy of loyalty”.

Akinlaja’s joy is in ensuring that you legitimately put your brain in full throttle. He loves to be surrounded by people, like Jose Miguel says, “who know better”.

He is on top of the game also because he reads always to be more equipped with knowledge, especially in gaining fresh ideas that can guide him in adding value to humanity and taking informed decisions on critical issues. He ensures there is, inexhaustible supply of books on diverse subjects on his shelves.

A charismatic leader doesn’t rest until they model others for better output. They lead from the back and allow others to take the lead. This servant leadership style makes Akinlaja a leader, second to none in Nigeria’s body politic.

One other unique aspect of Akinlaja is his natural ability to wear a thick skin at rumour mongers rather than trying to proof himself right. Facts are sacred, he believes and the truth shall always prevail.

Moreover, he is a calculating and focused philantrophist who helps the less advantaged and donates heavily to any worthy cause. Always showing empathy for the people and the emotional intelligence of identifying with the weak and vulnerable are in Akinlaja’s DNA. This character trait has become a remarkable feature of his, over time. His very strategic and critical thinking makes him always ahead of others. He is highly cerebral and he clinically watches his steps.

He is a team player anytime. He shares ideas with his subordinates and bows to superior arguments. These communication advantage further endear him to many. With these courteous qualities and others, it is glaring, Akinlaja is a leader to watch any day.

Akinlaja’s discoveries of best hands for the jobs are based on careful observation and insights with clear consideration for competence and more importantly without bias or prejudice. His love for Nigeria and particularly Ondo State surpasses his biggest ambition. He is not just a political leader but an entrepreneur who has established viable economic platforms for people’s aspirations to thrive and for the provision of social safety nets for qualified, trainable and employable youths at different levels.

His meritorious records in Nigeria Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG) having risen to the position of General Secretary further added to his feathers as a moral and integrity icon with distinctions. Similarly, his quality representation for the people of Ondo East/West at the House of Representatives in the 7th and 8th Assembly also gave Akinlaja the opportunity to being described as a trailblazer by political pundits.

He is not a brand made for greed as his life is an embodiment of public good and interest which is very rare in our body politic. Whatever Akinlaja owns is for public service, even his personal residence is open to the people where the rich and the poor usually converge for their respective intents.

Precisely on Saturday, June 1, 2024, Hon. (Comrade) Joseph Iranola Akinlaja will be marking another birthday anniversary to the glory of God. How best can a man like this be honoured whose words have become that of a ‘Traditional Oracle’ for not just his followers but the general political class and Labour movement in the country.

His finest quality lies in his ability to quickly forgive; a large heart but clothed in children’s spirit. The youth of today must learn a lot from this amazing political enigma and ensure that such attractive legacies and virtues of his, become a national model for the coming generation.

The army of our youths in Nigeria not just in Ondo State must eschew bitterness; learn the beautiful and enviable ‘doctrines’ established by Hon Joseph Akinlaja on leadership, unionism and governance. The Yoruba race does not honour a hero alive; however, we can kill the old norm to ensure a successful transition of legendary accomplishments from a living hero to a successive generation which is then bound to produce multiples of such greatness in the future.

However, what this generation must also passionately consider at a time like this is to honour this great and moral icon, Hon Joseph Akinlaja for his illustrious achievements, and ensure to get the best of his finest secrets for greatness as rare resource for leadership library. In future, generation unborn will then have access to documented records in our historical archive of our heroes past.

This highly revered and cherished Life Patron/Technical Consultant to Petroleum Tanker Drivers (PTD) Branch of NUPENG will no doubt be remembered for his foresight, wisdom and unusual capacity to organise and mobilise people as well as resources in actualising positive results both in leadership and administration.

-Ajibulu is a communication consultant, speech writer, infopreneour, public affairs analyst, social media influencer and publisher/editor of Veracity Desk