I Had No Job For Years, I Need Help…Veteran Actor, Hanks Anuku


Veteran actor, Hanks Anuku has pleaded for financial assistance from Nigerians, having had no job for a long time.
As seen in a viral video, Anuku explained his struggles with unemployment and called on his supporters to help him through the difficult period.
According to the actor, he’s worked tirelessly for his country and attained the height of being a legend.
He however appealed to his fans and the Governor of his State, Sheriff Oborevwori of Delta, to send him financial aid.
His words: “Well, I’m going to address my fans and those who truly love me, including my Governor, Sheriff. I have worked for this country. I have attained the height of being a legend.
“I’ve had no jobs for God knows how many years and I expected Nigerians to also know that I did it all for them.
“I’m going to ask the Governor. Sherry, please send support to me and my fans who truly love and appreciate the works I’ve done for them, I’ll send my account number. May God help you all. Help me.