”I Get Inspired While Eating And Relaxing” …Nollywood actress, Chioma Nwangwu

''I Get Inspired While Eating And Relaxing'' ...Nollywood actress, Chioma Nwangwu


This is a true confession and perhaps a secret nobody has been bold enough to divulge. It is coming from an insider in the industry that makes more of the banner headlines controversially than others; Nollywood – Nigeria’s movie industry. ‘’Ask any girl there, no one would sincerely tell you that she has not had the experience before. But it depends on the person’s ability to handle it because the matter is not peculiar to Nollywood alone…’’ These were the submissions of one of the latest sensations in the arena, Chioma Nwangwu a.k.a Queen of the Ink, as she opened up on her journey so far in the industry that means different things to different people. And for fear of the unknown, her parents first objected to her initial romance with same and only relaxed when she was able to convince them that she was going to be a good ambassador of the family.

She revealed more in this interview to AUSTIN FAIR NWAULU about Nigeria’s Nollywood, its characteristics, sexual harassment and relationships, herself and future plans, etc. Enjoy.

Let us into your world.
My name is Chioma A Nwangwu. I hail from Awkuzu in Anambra State and a undergraduate of Mass Communication at the Federal Polytechnic in Oko also in Anambra State.

So are you combining education with acting; and you’re already making waves, what exactly do you do therein?

I’m an actress, a writer and script supervisor in a production outfit called ‘Inside Nollywood’. I have always wanted to be an actress and I developed my writing skills from primary four. That was way back in Abuja where we are based. Then my parents objected to anything Nollywood apparently believing the rumours that actresses are either lesbians or pimps.

How were you able to wriggle out from their grip and when did you now start acting?

I tried my best to convince them and eventually succeeded. I gave them instances; that every career has advantages and disadvantages; that only the desperate ones shun focus and go into excesses while the serious ones concentrate and plan to realize their dreams. Today my parents give me all the support I need having seen reasons to do so in all aspects.

How old are you in the industry?

Well, I started acting in 2015 but along the line, I stopped in same year for obvious reasons. Then in 2017 I wrote the movie, ‘Street Warlord’, which was produced by Majid Adejo and Akalakini Peters. However it was in 2018 that I officially returned and wrote another one ‘’Nwa Bu Nwa’ produced by Jennydion Nwadegbo and which turned out a hit on Africa Magic. In same year, I also supervised the movie, ‘Anger of Immortals’’. Martins Iloh produced it and it’s in the market via Youtube.

In fact, it was the year I got the contract from the CEO of ‘Inside Nollywood Productions’ to serve as his personal script/continuity supervisor which is where I am till date and I think I have successfully handled about 20 movies so far.

What have been your challenges so far in Nollywood?

Well, there are challenges in everything. Tough times truly abound. One of them is competition because you are not the only talent around. But I have kept pushing to make sure I realized my dreams. Second is that I’m combining the career with education. Sometimes you miss your lectures and sometimes you miss jobs that would pay you but I accord a lot of priority to my studies. I know I’m being monitored by many people and I can’t afford to fail. That is what limits my acting for now as I focus more on script writing and my education.

Are you paid on the job and that of script writing?

Yes I am. I have paid my dues and today get paid for the scripts I write too.

You look young and beautiful and that is the hallmark of Nollywood. What would you say about sexual harassment that is said to be very rampant in there?

Well, It is true, there is sexual harassment in Nollywood and I have noticed it too. Ask any actress you know and none can deny it. But it depends on how you comport and discipline
yourself. I just like to associate more with the males because of their simplicity and nothing more.

How about marriage, is it near or far away from your agenda?

Marriage; well, when the time comes, we’ll face it.

What is your target in Nollywood?
My target is to be one of the best and then exploit Hollywood and Bollywood.

If you were not into the movie industry where else would you belong?

I would have been a designer.

Why are called Queen of the Ink?
It is actually my nickname and it is tied to the fact that I want to be a legendary writer and already associate with the legends a lot.

Finally, how do you draw your inspirations?
My inspirations come from my sad mood. Whenever I’m angry I get into the mood of creativity. But sometimes it comes when I’m in the midst of friends or I just dress up, move to a quiet place and it comes as I eat and cool off.

Chioma (kneeling right) perfecting her art
Chioma Nwangwu