DINO MELAYE: “I Don’t Live Life To Please Opinions”



Debonair Nigerian senator representing Kogi West, Mr. Dino Melaye, seems to be speaking to his accusers over ongoing alleged certificate mess, as he pens these words below with poise.


“I’m not living my life to be ‘liked.’ I care less about fitting in. As long as I’m living my purpose, I’m willing to be hated on, misunderstood, and criticized.


After all, that’s just a price you pay when you share your gift.


When your life speaks GREATNESS, this world will do anything to silence that voice. That’s why my SELF-WORTH isn’t based upon what you think. I won’t allow my happiness to be dependent upon pleasing opinions.


I’ll never live for your validation, and your opinions on how I live hold no value to my life. God knows my heart and i know who i am. So, you can either love me or hate me, but regardless of what you decide, I promise you this…
I’ll never stop being who GOD created me to be! 


Dino Melaye.”