Court Jails Chrisland School Supervisor 60 Years for Raping 2 Yr-Old Girl

Court Jails Chrisland School Supervisor 60 Years for Raping 2 Yr-Old Girl


An Ikeja domestic violence and sexual offences court has sentenced one Adegboyega Adenekan, an ex-Chrisland school supervisor, to 60 years imprisonment for defiling a 2-


year-old girl.

The presiding judge, Sybil Nwaka, handed down the sentence after convicting Adenekan of a lone-count charge of defiling a two-year-and-11-month-old pupil.

However, the Ex-Chrisland School supervisor had pleaded not guilty to the charge the Lagos state government filed against him.

But while delivering her verdict, Nwaka described Adenekan, as “wicked, conscienceless and an animal; who is not worthy of walking on the streets of Lagos”.

“I hereby sentence Adegboyega Adenekan to 60 years imprisonment. This is the sentence of the court,” the judge held.

Further, Nwaka said schools should not only be interested in economic gain but the welfare of pupils.

“Schools should not cover up teachers who sexually abuse children. Parents should not be carried away by aesthetics of schools. This case may just be the tip of the iceberg; as a lot of our children are suffering in silence,” she held.

“Parents should be bold enough to confront teachers and school management because a lot of our children are suffering in silence.

“I advise or recommend that the education and social welfare ministry workers; should visit schools randomly to give them a check.”

Meanwhile, seven witnesses, including the pupil and her mother, testified for the prosecution; which closed its case on March 14.

Also, the defence called five witnesses.

The victim had told the judge how the 47-year-old supervisor of the school defiled her.

At the time the incident happened in 2016, Adenekan was at the Victoria Garden branch of the school.