Busty Actress, Cossy Orjiakor Set To Release Book On Her Escapades! …Names Co-Actors —-


Barring last minutes changes,  busty Nollywood actress, Cossy Ojiakor is set to release the book she has been writing for weeks,  on her romance exploits.
A source said that Cossy,  who rode to showbiz prominence displaying her nature-endowed large,  robust breasts, has been doing an exposé of sorts on her Instagram account, dropping hints of some of the scandals involving her behind the scenes.

Although,  The star actress avoided naming names in her social media posts, the source revealed that her coming book is a tell-all,  as names of her alleged partners are revealed.
The book tagged ‘TheUngratefulDelilah’, the source said,  gives descriptions of characters involved whom her followers on the social media have been speculating about.
According to the source, Cossy, is done writing the book which will reveal the secret lives of actresses and how big men sponsor their lifestyle.

Cossy took to Instagram recently writing, “Hi sweets… Cossy commotions. Abi cossymotions….hahaha. I have finished the ungrateful Delilah story but it’s just 93pages.
I was hoping to make it a 120 page. #Cossyxcapade, A Tell It All Tale… I don’t know if I should stop or include my version of some weird stuff that happened to me some years back. like my version of the dog stuff.
The magazine Editor that once brought out his big dk for me to rub in his car… Hahaha, crazy stuff.

Also fictitious names of people I suspect that started the hate game those years. Am super excited… So plz should I add or just print the 93pages Ungrateful Delilah story….  Bad bad shildren. Cool, I will make it 120 page. Using only 2real name in my book..
1. a lovely actress that stood by me during the scandal..

2. The defunct editors real name with fat dk.
I wish Mr fat dk will take me to court… So he can pay me the real damages sef.  My dreams will come through if he do hahaha.”