Born Again or Not,All Men Are Wicked!


I was short of words. What did he expect me to say? Did he think I’d tell him that I ‘had also been nursing the same feelings about him? Should I tell him that I usually sat two rows away from him in church just to watch every single move he made, the way he took the communion, the way he always whispered into his friend’s ear during the sermon or the way his walk made me wet? Certainly not.
Em … but brother Amos, don’t you think it’s too sudden? I don’t know you at all. You’re just my church member. Why not give me some time to also pray about it? Then I’ll be sure of what the Lord wants.
“Okay then. I’m hoping to get a positive response from you. Good night sister Kate.”
I watched his back as he walked towards the gate with my heart beating twice its normal beat. God! My dreams had finally come true. The gorgeous brother Amos whom every sister in church wished would come and ask them out. Brother Amos who upon his arrival has caused several fights between sisters in church without knowing so. That same brother Amos was asking me to be not just his girlfriend- which I of course wouldn’t have minded, but his wife. I let out a scream, startling the people who stood around.
“Sister, what is the matter?”
“No. I’m fine.”
‘Are you sure”
“I’ve never been so sure in my life!” 1 exclaimed as I added a little bit of life into my steps.
Your guess is as good as mine, didn’t pray over it like I promised I would and I guess if 1 had, 1 wouldn’t be in this mess I am in today. Two weeks after brother Amos or should I just call him Amos? Two weeks after he told me of his intention, I replied him in the affirmative. He was ecstatic. So happy was he that he swooped me off my feet in one big hug, surprising both me and everyone at the car park where I had gone to meet him after service.

“But we don’t have to rush things, brother Amos. Remember, I don’t know you that well. We just have to make time out to know each other more and to inform the pastor about our relationship.”
‘I have no problem whatsoever with that. I just thank God you have decided to be mine. Do you know how I have been fighting this feeling?
Each time I try to speak to you, I just turn to Jelly. Rather pathetic, uhn?
‘I won’t blame you at all I’d said, not wanting to reveal the fact I’d even drooling over him for ages.
1 feel like I was on cloud nine. I could just see the faces of all the sisters now, all squeezed like they’d sucked lemons, with envy.
I knew Amos was always the talk of any girl in church. The girls never failed to make their feelings known. Even my best friend, Janet had eyes for Amos, so you can imagine the pain she felt when I told him about my meeting with Amos that day.
“You are joking right?” she finally asked after being speechless for what was like eternity.
“No, I’m not joking. I’m serious about what I’ve just told you. He came to me after…”
“But why you?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re not that pretty now! She blurted out rudely.
Ah! Why are you talking like this, Janet?”
“He’s supposed to be mine. I know you’ve never liked me before. You even went a step further to snatch my man from me!”
‘Your man? But you didn’t tell me .. .’
‘I don’t have to tell you.”
‘But he didn’t even ask you out.’
“Well, I was actually about to ask him out,
“Boyfriend snatcher!
We had quarreled real hard that day. I was surprised that even my best friend would act that way.
From other girls, it is expected, but from my best friend? I found it unbelievable. Well, Amos was a god and a man all rolled up in one. He was tall and handsome. What set him apart from other men was his quiet nature. He never spoke to anyone in church except when he was asked a question. He had a beautifully shaped nose, lips, that’d make any woman what to fall right into it, a great physique that’d make a woman want to slap the biggest and toughest man around, so strong and well built.
Sister Kate? Sister Kate’, I focused real hard before l realized it was Brother Amos.
“Oh , sorry, my mind was so far away I didn’t get what you were saying.’
” I was wondering if I could take you out to lunch or better still dinner, if you don’t mind?”
” No, I don’t mind. In fact, we can go now if you want.”
“Okay, then, hop in.” He said as he strolled over to open the door for me.
I could feel a lot of female eyes piercing through my back as I got into his Mercedes C..cJass car. I was dating a rich and handsome brother who was God-fearing and a true husband material, what more could any woman ask for? He took me to a fast food eatery where he treated me to a delicious meal. He treated me like I was so special. My head was in the clouds. The first date led to several other dates and after two months, I was perfectly sure that he was the right man for me and I told him I was ready to get married to him. Then we decided to tell the pastor. A big mistake we did make.
‘Sister Kate, the Lord says I should tell you and brother Amos not to get married. He is against this union. I foresee a lot of things for both of you and they are not too pleasant, I tell you.’
My pastor’s words came pouring like a pack of knives slicing every bit of my heart. I almost fainted while I sat with him. Who had paid him to make such a statement? It must be one of those desperate sisters who thought they could use their money or even influence to destroy a person’s life. But not mine.
They had another thing coming their way.
Pastor, I don’t’ know the kind of trick you’re playing or who paid you to do this kind of thing but I should let you now that both of us have prayed and the Lord has confirmed this marriage.’
“Do not use the name of the Lord your God in vain.
He has said His word. It is left for you to obey.”
But we disobeyed the voice of God. Two months later, Amos and I got married in another church with my sister standing as my maid of honour. It was a very big wedding. My parents couldn’t have been happier for me.

…To Be Continued