ANITA’S DIARY: Only One Option! (3)







See me see trouble o! Why would this man want to drink Panadol on top of another person’s headache! If am pregnant and I say am not, how is that his problem? And I dare him to anything to MD, that’s when I will let him know my true colours.

Now talking about MD, supposing MD gets to know about the pregnancy, what will I do? Should I just go ahead and pass the pregnancy to him without knowing first who actually the father of the unborn child is. And how am I supposed to find that out without the involvement of the two men involved? Can I even dare to mention this to anyone?

Especially MD? That man will skin me alive if my secret is let out. He will be utterly disappointed in me. In fact, he will be more than disappointed. MD could become a terribly sad and depressed man should that happen. And I will never forgive myself either. MD has done a whole lot for me. So, what do I do now?

One thing am sure of is that I don’t think I can pass another man’s child to MD; I don’t think I can live with the guilt on my conscience for the rest of my days. And to tell you the truth, I have a strong feeling the baby inside me is not MD’s, that baby belongs to Jerry!! I have nothing to prove this, but didn’t somebody say it’s only the woman that knows the true father of her child?

Again, what do I do? I don’t have the liver to allow this come to the open, so that leaves me with only one option – abortion!

It’s been so difficult deciding how to go about this. Getting an abortion is not quite as easy as it sounds. No qualified doctor performs abortion publicly for the fear of being caught and jailed after which their licence will be revoked. So, what would I do now? Who will I go to? I don’t even know any doctor I could approach. Then, I remembered my next door neighbour. Aunty Meg, a single, unmarried lady who frolicks with a lot of big men, she surely would know a doctor she can arrange for me. I had checked her a couple of times but was told she’s been away for days. And finally, on the fourth day, she arrived in the company of one of her sugar Daddies!

I watched her and her sugar daddy body boyfriend as they alighted from the man’s glittering Prado Jeep. They both appeared slightly tipsy and it also looked like they had had a really swell time. I expected that the man should be on his way home soon, so I was going to wait, no matter how long it took. I had to see Aunty Meg as soon as I could, this unwanted pregnancy in my womb has to go!

Finally, about two and half hours later, Mr. Sugar daddy took his leave immediately. He zoomed off, I left the window and stepped out to meet her in her apartment.

She was already in her night gown when she opened the door for me.

Ah! Anita! How are you, my dear? Hope no problem o, this one that you’re here to see me at this late hour.”

“No, Aunty, it’s nothing serious, it’s just that I’ve missed you.

You’ve been away for quite some time now,” I replied, looking around her apartment, I could see she’s even added new exotic furnishings to her already magnificent looking living room.

“Hmm, my Aunty! This your living room is too much!” I complimented her.

“Thank you, my dear, for the compliments,” Aunty retorted.

“And how’s your little boy doing”

“He’s fine, Aunty, thank you.” I answered trying to prepare how to launch into the real reason for my visit.

“Aunty, I need your help o, there’s something I need you to help me out with,” I began softly.

“What’s the problem dear, hope it’s nothing serious.” Aunty Meg asked.

“It’s not, Aunty,” I paused a little before continuing.

“I am pregnant, Aunty…”

“Pregnant? Wow!” Aunty Meg exclaimed with excitement even before I was done talking.

“This is good news, Anita…”

“No, Aunty, this isn’t good news,” I interjected. “I’m not ready for this baby, I need to allow Junior time to grow and also give myself some rest before having another baby,” I tried to conceal the truth as best as I could.

“So, what do you want to do now and how do I come in?”

I cleared my throat quickly and dropped the bombshell.

“I want an abortion, Aunty Meg, and I need you to help me find a competent doctor!”


…to be continued