Adesuwa Sends Romantic Birthday Wishes To Hubby, Banky W.


Banky W’s wife; Adesuwa Wellington has taken to her social media pages to gush about her husband; Banky W, whose birthday was 27th of March, 2019 and to wish him a happy birthday in a sentence full of words.

Adesuwa who is an actor and motivational speaker showers her husband with pleasurable words and enviable accolades as she also prays for him. Adesua in a romantic picture of herself and Banky W, wrote – “I shudder to think of how life would have been if God didn’t show me, if I hadn’t seen, that you are ALL I ever prayed for, my knight in shining armour. Your love is one I’ve never seen before, my heart you cherish, my being you adore, Olubankole, you were worth waiting for, this love I feel, really is hardcore. Your heart is so pure, your love is like gold, so precious, so valuable, a beauty to behold. I’ll tell everybody, both young and old and I’ll love you in return, a thousand fold.”

Adesua in a post that is looking more like an ode continues; “Thank you for being the man you are, mama raised a game changer, an absolute star. When I count my blessings, I don’t look too far because I turn to my side and there you always are.”

She further proceeds to praying for Mr Wellington, “May the Lord increase you on every side and with you, may he always abide, may favour in your life be multiplied and all your needs, may he provide. My lover, my baby, Happy birthday. Remember, God’s goodness, especially today, may you look at this wonderful life and say thank you Lord Jesus, keep having your way. I love you very much. Always and forever, Your Shug.”

Adesua’s long and affectionate post is not strange to many as they already knew both herself and her husband are always fond of appreciating each other with the beauty of words on social media.