Gospel Music Star, Sade Akingbade, Drops New Album, ‘Great Love’

Gospel Music Star, Sade Akingbade, Drops New Album, 'Great Love'


A Gospel music minstrel with great peculiarities. Very assertive in her compositions and vocal prowess, Minstrel Sade Akingbade, is ready with a chart buster album titled, Great Love.

Sade Akingbade

A sneak preview of the five tracker album revealed excellence and classic of modern gospel music. She carefully transformed gospel and show her dexterity in singing and as a worship leader.

With the release of the album on the 1st day of December, 2023 her band, Hosanna Voices International no doubt become instant and sought after band globally.

“I started singing very early in life in the Church. I never thought I could go this far because of many unpalatable experiences. In fact, I was born into a musical family.”

According to her, “I never dreamt of being a band leader because I enjoyed singing alto part in every group I find myself.”

Why then going into music against your aspirations? “I see music as opportunity and privilege to be more closer to God. I love things of God in all ramifications of my life. When you are close to God and do His will, you are sure of eternity.” Just like Matthew 6-33, Seek ye first thy kingdom of God and all other things shall be given unto you’. I take God first in all my activities.”

Sade Akingbade who has released over seven albums till date is excited for what she described as through production by her producer, Paul Muyiwa Awotunsin. “I am proud to be one of the privilege pacesetter in the gospel music arena, who set the pace for the transformation of gospel music from what it used to be, to what we are having now.”

How? “Gospel music is no more static. Instrumentation and compositions are very unique now. Though, she said, “there are still bridges to cross, but with time and good planning we shall get there.”

On the challenges, she said, “So many but God is always faithful. I can’t forget a day, I set up altar of praise for God. Shortly after heaven opened up for me and my story changed.”

Apart from the title track, Great Love there are other great tracks like Ire (Goodness), Ase Irorun, Owo Aanu (Mercy hand), Thank You Jesus Medley.