President Buhari Won’t Disappoint Nigerians-Shehu Sani


Intelligent and vocal Shehu Sani is representing
Kaduna Central at the senate in Abuja. The hard-working politician
cum renowned activist hosted some community leaders of Gbagy
Villa in Chikun Local Government Area of Kaduna State where he spoke on national issues. He said that, if the state
governors don’t want President Muhammadu Buhari to have a cabal, they should dissolve their own cabals too. Abubakar Abba was there for Global Excellence: Read on:

On President Muhammadu Buhari:
 No governor in Nigeria has any moral right to call Muhammadu Buhari a failure. You collect federal
allocation every month, you collect local government allocation every month, you collect ecological fund,  you collect Paris Club fund, and you collect bail out fund. Why should you call Buhari a failure?. As far as I am concerned, Buhari has achieved a lot in government than most governors. If you don’t want Buhari to have a cabal, you should dissolve the cabal in your own state too. If you want  Nigerians to laud Buhari and his government; the governors too must perform creditably well in their states. As we are working towards 2019 election, he should never recommend anybody for
election again to the public, he should allow people to decide who
they want to vote for. Buhari should forget the tradition of raising the hands of people to the electorate. We are supporting him to contest 2019 election but he should stop the habit of raising Mr. A or Mr. B hand. Most of the time; he is raising the hands of people who have betrayed him and the people of Nigeria.

On Eastern By-Pass:

I am here to listen to your request over the Eastern by-pass contract
awarded which the federal government has now increased to N40 billion. I must be very clear to you that none of the federal
legislators was consulted. I knew very well that in 2016-2017 budget, I insisted that Kaduna Eastern by-pass
must be included in the budget but I read in the pages of newspapers
that the contract was increased to N42 or N43 billion. I don’t know how the federal ministry of works arrived at such amount of money but I believe that a project like this, the federal government should have consulted the communities where this road passes through and the elected representatives of the people. I am going to make a request on behalf of my people to
the committee chairman on Works, Senator Kabiru Gaya and will
demand from the minister of works to brief us on how the project would cost over N40 billion in this era of anti-corruption and transparency. The money to be spent is tax-payers money. There are bad roads in Maraba, Panbeguwa, and along Jos road. Why are they giving priority to Eastern by-pass over other roads? I will insist that our people should be employed during the construction of the Eastern by-pass.

On Railway:  I have already written the MD of the agency where I
demanded to see him over the report that the agency is employing people
and it is important to employ people from the communities where these
railway lines pass through. These communities include Igabi,
Chikun, Kachia and Kagarko local government areas. We will not accept a situation where you sideline our people in the scheme of things. Federal agencies that are located in Kaduna must employ a
certain percentage of people from Kaduna. We must all stand to fight
secret employment by any agency of government.  Secret employment is
an elitist strategy of denying the children of the poor.