8 Unspoken Rules That Keeps Marriage



Whether your spouse is working or a home maker, never use the words ‘you can get out of my house’. This implies that you think that the house is yours. That your life partner has no rights in the house. These words hurt like hell, so never ever use these words after a quarrel or disagreement. If one spouse is a home maker, all the more reason not to use the above words. Because then it implies that you only value a person who earns money. And all the years that your spouse spent into making a house a home hold no importance for you.

  1. Motherhood is a life changing experience for many women. A woman’s body undergoes a lot of changes during this period. The libido may reduce for some women especially when they have had a difficult delivery. Some women nowadays even go into postpartum depression. Taking care of a new born takes its own toll and the new mother may be feeling tired most of the time. Taking care of a newborn is not a piece of cake especially if the new mother has no help. Try to understand if wife is not in the mood for s. as often as you would like. Don’t act like a big baby and keep cribbing about it all the time. S.. in Marriage is thinking about the other person also and not only about your needs and desires. Most men equate sex with love and think that if their wife is not in the mood for sex, she doesn’t love or care about them. Most of the time this is a false assumption. It’s just that she feels the little child needs her more than you. Motherhood may take precedence over being a wife for a few years.
  • Don’t hit below the belt during a quarrel and say things like you don’t satisfy me now, you are useless. Don’t body shame your spouse by comparing with someone else.
  • Don’t insult your spouse if he can’t buy expensive stuff and you don’t own a house, car etc. Encourage him to come up in life by improving his skills and through the right path. Let not your insults and cribbing make him take the wrong paths to afford things for you.
  • When both are working and your husband shares the household work with you, it goes without saying that you should share some of the household expenses with your husband unless you both have worked out some other arrangement.
  • The words ‘ sorry’, ‘thank you’ and ‘ please’ have not become obsolete or meant to be used only outside the home. They can work wonders when used inside the home also.
  • Give your spouse equal if not more importance than your family.

8: No physical abuse. Not even the action of raising your hand but not actually hitting.