11-Yr Old Brand Ambassador, Phatiah, Advocates for Youth with ‘Leaders of Tomorrow’

11-Yr Old Brand Ambassador, Phatiah, Advocates for Youth with 'Leaders of Tomorrow'


Out of the pop music currently flooding the Nigeria’s indigenous music market, with lots of its pop songs stained with dirty, immoral lyrics but popular street lingo and commercial melodies and danceable African beats; Phatiah has strung up and out quite clean as a steadily rising star, a new wiz-kid on the block. And she rises with a fresh, hot and outstanding series of singles signalling a new, different and decent use of pop music.

Just eleven years old, modestly fast-rising, already an award-winning music prodigy, chocolate-skinned Fatiah Kayinsola Ojediran with Phatiah as her stage name is already a budding niche star using her pop music uniquely to innovate the timeless subgenre traditionally tagged Conscious Music. And the result is the “Conscious Afropop” she is already dishing out single by single, winning teeming fans, as she uses her arts both to entertain her audience and to advocate positive upbringing of the youth and children for their better future, especially in Nigeria.

Trending currently on airwaves – on select radio and TV and online channels including YouTube, Phatiah’s newest single “Leaders of Tomorrow” – complemented with an entertaining video – is an inspiring advocacy pleading passionately with the Governments to provide quality and adequate care for the children.

“I made ‘Leaders of Tomorrow’ with the aim of drawing humanity and stakeholder attention to the plights of children in a way that meets the objectives of the United Nations International Children Emergency Fund (UNICEF),” she disclosed recently about the new audio single and video.

As observed, such world-leading standard is the quality reeled out by her video for the new single currently enjoying massive rotation play on various music channels across Africa.

Remarkably, the video was directed by award-winning video director Olalekan Buari aka Unlimited LA, who is highly rated and reputed for working with mainly prestigious and promising stars, some of who are Wizkid, Burna Boy, Don Jazzy, Olamide, Pasuma, Skillz, Sean Tizzle, and D’ja.

Earlier, Phatiah had dropped distinct entertaining singles – “Education” and “Love Is All We Need”, creatively calling on the Governments, parents, school authorities and the society at large to prioritize the necessary positive upbringing of children in order to ensure a good future for them.

Perhaps right from her cradle, Phatiah, who was born onto a music entrepreneur father, has been enjoying a close tutelage both in her academic and artistic careers.

Hailing from the education-inclined Ogun State of Nigeria, Phatiah’s dad, Mr. Abiodun Ojediran, is a United Kingdom returnee who now runs a record label well reckoned with in Nigeria, Climax Records, where his daughter is a signee and a protégée.

With a wide and deep understanding of the music industry developed through its world-class style of managing and promoting its notable artistes, Climax has charted Phatiah’s career path and performances through carefully selected and endorsed concerts such as the prestigious Lagos State Music Fiesta, Epe Recreation Centre; One Lagos Fiesta; Music and Message Concert, Freedom Park, Victoria Island; Star Kids’ Awards; 2008 Nigeria Independent Party, Lagos; and the Lagos State University Music Concert where she thrilled her fans alongside concert headliner and rave pop artiste, CDQ.

Also recently, Phatiah manned the mic and rendered the national anthem, flagging off the roll of events at the 2nd term public inauguration of Alhaji Yahaya Bello  as the Executive Governor of Kogi State.

Phatiah is already attracting brand endorsement contracts and winning awards. She is the brand ambassador of Numatville, a real estate company.

Always excited to inspire excellence in her peers and youths, Phatiah enjoys visiting orphanages and donating gifts to the less privileged including the Modupe Cole Memorial Childcare Treatment Home School, Akoka, Lagos.

Born on August 26, 2008, Fatiah is currently a JSS 2 student at the reputable Starfield College, Lagos. When not honing her skills at playing piano, she is reading, dancing or basketball; never discouraged by her average height for the high-net game but rather thrilled to excel herself and her peers at every opportunity she is given by her parents or guardians or at school or by her managers in the music field.

For Phatiah, her faith is already yielding her a fate of fastly rising fame and fortune.

See video link below:
