Businessman, Yusuf Babalola, Urges Peace, Hope in The New Year


At a time when the country is roasting in a heatwave and everyone seems to be in utter despair, Yusuf Babalola, one of Nigeria’s shinning lights in business has appealed to Nigerians not to give up hope on their beloved country.


Yusuf, who is the Chairman of Yozooph Nigeria Ltd, a conglomerate with diverse interests in hospitality, Oil & Gas, Real estate and Agriculture encouraged Nigerians in his Christmas and New year message to focus on the light at the end of the tunnel. He emphasized on the importance on sacrifices in nation building both from the citizens and the leadership.


Yusuf Babalola, who left his comfort zone abroad some few years back

Yusuf Babalola

help in fixing the economy by creating job opportunities for Nigerians called on the authorities to make public offices less attractive to aspiring politicians.


For Yusuf Babalola, Nigeria can only achieve economic prosperity when there is less trappings and glamour attached to public offices, public office holders and corrupt politicians should be given the China treatment, a life time or death sentence to scare off desperate politicians who are hell bent on emptying the country’s treasury.


The likeable businessman who recently clocked the big 40 also extend his goodwill wishes to all Nigerians both home and in the diaspora praying that the Almighty will make the year 2019 a fulfilling year for everyone.