Wizkid Was Studio Errand Boy, Says Toke Makinwa


Popular media personality, Toke Makinwa has revealed that Nigerian music superstar, Wizkid was once an errand boy for DJs and OAPs.

Makinwa touched on this during her recent chat with Chude Jideonwo.

In her words:

You don’t know the years Wizkid put in to become who he is today. Young newbies try music for a year or two and are frustrated because it is not working…dude, when I tell people…I was at Rhythm and Wizkid used to carry speakers and he would be sent by DJs to buy amala and he would do it, he was the studio rat, just help me play my song he will say. People look at him now and say he is arrogant not knowing the work he had put into this journey.”