The Glitz, The Glamour @Funmi Ayinke’s Album Launch (photos)



The day was electrifying. It was an album launch of magnitude. Class, penache, elegance, seemed to be the theme of the high profile event.


Funmi Ayinke may be new to the music scene but she was able to pull the cremede la creme of the Nigerian society.

From Wande Cole to Teni to Tunde Style Plus, Jaywan, top Nigerian musicians turned out to honour this beautiful Mechanical Engineer and philanthropist of note.

The formidability of the album launch which held at Mercellenaz Place, Isaac John St, Lagos on 5th December, started from the unique invitation cards which were sent with much pomp and pageantry and received with excited anticipation from recipients, to the highly professional promotional reels culminating into what many who witnessed have termed the event of the decade.

As guests stepped into the high profile event center, Mercellenaz, protocol was top notch and the red carpet could only reminded one of the Grammy Awards. Extravagant elegance is the word.

The venue itself was brilliantly lit and decorated with lavish flowers and dainty Chrystals.

Everything was to the Tee. Starting at exactly 2pm as stated in the invitation cards, veteran Comedian, Gbenga Adeyinka, arguably one of Nigeria’s best and most respected MCs, steered the event into a night of glitz, glamour and gleeful enjoyment with more than enough to eat and drink.

With new acts on her label, the talented Confygold and Sokeh thrilling the audience, Tunde Style Plus gave a scintillating performance, however the guests waited for one person, the lady of the moment, while delicacy after delicacy were consumed with relish.
When she finally took the stage, the ethereal beauty, the versatile, multi talented Funmi Ayinke glided into the stage and blew the audience away.
In a white bejewelled dress that took everyone’s breath, and what seemed like a bridal head band, she won the hearts of all in the hall with her stunning beauty and esoteric appearance. Her presence was so commanding the audience needed no prompting to stand on their feet for the champion.


Like a beautiful apparition, Funmi belted out the song, ‘The Journey’, which happens to be the album title, with deep but soft as silk vocals. Every word had a meaning. The song is so inspirational, it sobered up everyone in a very positive way. A reflection on life and a warning cum advice on self navigation and life’s choices being the summation of what anyone becomes tomorrow.


This song should be given massive airplay, if possible, every morning. Hopefully, Nigerian Djs will connect with the importance of ‘The Journey’ and it’s insightful, inspirational lyrics, in the nation’s collective bid to steer it’s youths towards the right path. ‘The Journey’, is that impactful.

However, her hit song, Obinrin, the song dedicated to women all over the world, stimulated the house to instant carnival like mood. Not one woman remained on her seat. It was magnetic, grand mothers, mothers, aunt’s, sisters, daughters, all danced with joyful steps singing the lyrics like some kind of anthem.


The dazzling Funmi Ayinke gave a grand report of herself on her flamboyant entrance into the Nigerian music scene. Still her humble and caring self, many days and nights of preparation combined with her very busy work schedule did not stop her from greeting and thanking everyone in the audience, from table to table after her exhilarating performance.
Surely an irrepressible force has entered the Nigerian music scene and as they say, going by the seriousness of her entrance and raw but superb talent, the sky is her limit. Showbusiness should be ready for this marvel.

Some Guests who were present at the event were, Former Governor of Ogun State, Otunba Gbenga Daniel, Senator Shoga, Hon. Shaba Ibrahim of Lokoja Constituency, Hon. Shina Pella, Brig. General Kumapayi, Lt. Col. Ike Amajuoyi, Ooni of Ife (represented), Media Guru, Dele Momodu, Dr Uche of the Ministry of Education, Queen of Tabloid Journalism, Moji Danisa. Funmi Ayinke’s constituents, the Society of Engineers, were ably represented.
Also present were many Rectors from polytechnics and Vice Chancellors of Universities across the Country.

The oil and gas sector was not left out. Top managers from Chevron, Mobil, Elf flew in all the way from Port Harcourt.


While the night transformed into a carnival of sorts with Superstar act, Teni, Yung Mela and a scintillating Jazz Band from Abuja. It was indeed the mother of all events.