The Choice Is Yours!




The Choice Is Yours!       

I almost couldn’t believe he was actually standing before me. He was the last person I expected to find at the door. I cursed silently under my breath. What is this man doing here, for crying out loud? And at this very bad time? It took everything in me to restrain myself from shutting the door on his face. Aunty was already waiting for me, this was terribly bad timing. But I knew I had to be very careful, if MD suspected I was in a hurry to dismiss him and wave him goodbye, he can be a very difficult person to shake off your tail. Worse still, you could incur his wrath, and trust me, you won’t like it one bit.

“Wow! MD! What a surprise!” I quickly managed to compose myself and pull myself together. But I suspect I left a little too late. I think MD noticed my countenance.

“Well, I just hope it’s a pleasant surprise,” MD retorted, his gaze settling on mine as he stepped inside the room. “For a moment, I thought I saw a not too excited look in your eyes when you opened the door and found it was me. Or, are you expecting someone? You looked dressed for some casual outing.”

I reached for his hand and pulled him further inside. “Abeg, come in jo, who told you I’m not excited to see you?”

He came inside and settled in his favourite chair. “But you’re expecting someone?” he pressed further, obviously intent on not letting go of the subject until he got his answer.

“No, not really,” I replied.

“Not really? What do you mean not really?” MD shot back at me. It’s either you’re expecting someone or not.”

I forced a smile. “I’m not really expecting a visitor like you’re thinking, it’s my big Aunty next door that I’m expecting. “

“Which big Aunty is that?”

“Aunty Maggie now,” I replied, sounding disappointed he didn’t know who I was talking about. “She wants to take me somewhere to introduce me to a small buying and selling business that I could be doing on the side.”

He kept quiet, stared into space for a short while before returning his gaze to me. “But Anita, why didn’t you tell me about this before now? Or don’t you think I have the right to know how you live your life? What makes you so sure I would approve of you doing this business you just talked about?”

“I’m sorry, my darling, but you should know there’s no way I would’ve done this without your approval, it’s not possible,” I pleaded. And I must say I did a good acting job there. “All I want to do is to check it out first, and if I find that I’m interested, I will then bring it before you.”

He tried to process what I’d just told him. I couldn’t tell if I made any sense to him but he didn’t say anything.

“Am I forgiven now?” I asked him, stroking his thick, black moustache.

“I wasn’t angry with you in the first place, just surprised.”

I kissed him lightly on the lips and thanked him for not making a big deal out of the issue.

“So, tell me, have you guys missed me? “And where’s my boy? Where’s Junior?”

“He’s inside, taking a short nap. You want me to wake him up for you?”

“Maybe later before I take my leave. Let him enjoy his sleep,” MD answered, “I hope you know you’re not going anywhere, I’m spending the whole day with you guys!”

I was numb with shock. Did I just hear MD right? Did he just say he plans to spend the whole day with me and Junior? This is not funny at all. How am I supposed to go and get rid of this thing in my womb and come back home without showing any sign of pain or weakness that will make MD suspect something was amiss? What is really going on here? Why is MD showing up here at this time for God’s sake? Why is it proving so difficult for me to get rid of this pregnancy?

“Wow! That will be nice,” I tried to sound happy, squeezing his hand gently in mine. “It’s like you have really missed us, or is it just your boy that you miss?” I’d thrown playfully at him.

“Of course not,” he pulled me closer, wrapping his big right hand round my waist. “Sure, I miss you too, that’s why I want to spend the whole day with you guys.”

I leaned closer to him and put my arm on his shoulder. “But how about the place I told you I’m going with Aunty Maggie? She will soon be here any minute expecting that we will leave immediately.”

MD wasn’t interested in what I was saying. He just stared at me without saying a word. “Say something now, dear, what should I do now? Should I go?”

“The choice is yours, dear,” he’d finally answered. “If you feel your outing can’t wait for tomorrow or another day, then you can go and leave me here till you return. But if you feel my visit is important to you, then, do the right thing!


  …to be continued