Testimonies, as Dr Okafor’s ‘Not My Head Not My Blood’ Conference Ends


Lagos Popular Prophet and The Generational Prophet of God Dr Chris Okafor and the entire Grace Nation Family has join the Rest of the world to celebrates Nigeria at 62 years after independence.


Speaking at the Special thanksgiving service that signal the end of the 3 Days Prophetic conference “Not My Head Not My Blood” at the international Headquarters of Grace Nation in Ojodu Berger lagos Nigeria, The Generational Prophet of God lamented that though the Government has failed us but there is still hope for a better and fullfill future for the Nation.


The Fairy and Handsome Man of God remarks that, at 62 the Nation still depend on foreign aids to survive said if Nigeria can work it out through Unity and prayers there is still hope, He saidb if Nigeria seek divine instruction that will terminate corrupt Political leaders in the country that brought so many destruction to Nigeria, we can still get our foot back to the lost glory when Nigeria was still the giant of Africa.


Dealings with the altars behind Generational curses during the Realm of the Prophetic Holy Ghost supernatural Movement, The Apostle of altars uses his prophetic wings and anointing visits homes, villages, destroyed altars to set the lawful captive free, diverse of creative miracles, deliverance and healing climax the special thanksgiving service of the Conference, Also many miracle babies were release, Testimonies of New jobs filter everywhere, while miracle alert, healing from terminal diseases, evil arrow disappeared all at the close of the 3 days prophetic conference, Not My Head Not My Blood.


Meanwhile the 100 days of strange Miracle and breakthrough continues with Prayers and fasting, you can connect with The Generational Prophet of God Dr Chris okafor online through all the verified online handles of Grace Nation, Every day by 9pm-10pm as the 100days of strange miracles lasted, is another opportunity to receive from God through his servant Dr Chris Okafor, join God servant and your Life will never remain the same.