Students Block Entry to Cross River Gov’s Office over Alleged Bad Governance, ASUU Demands

Students Block Entry to Cross River Gov's Office over Alleged Bad Governance, ASUU Demands


About one thousand students of University of Calabar and the Cross River State University of Science and Technology blocked the main gates leading into Gov Ben Ayade’s office for six hours on Monday.


Gov Ayade

Speaking to journalists, President of the Students Union of UNICAL, Raymond Moses, said they would not allow entry into and out of the governor’s office except the governor himself or his appointed aide addressed them.



“These depressed students from the two universities have come here today as a warning notice and call for the federal government to address issues bordering on ASUU demands.  We are tired of staying at home for eight months now.



“We will not leave this Governor’s office. We are ready to sleep here. The governor has refused to come and address us.



“This protest is both ENDSARS, ASUU, bad governance in Cross River. All state governments have been very insensitive, dormant and quite over the current crisis rocking different universities.



“ASUU has been on strike for seven months couple with COVID19.  All the while, students elsewhere have had online classes yet many of us haven’t had such privilege. Yet daily they keep having endless meetings without fruitful conclusion.



“They are playing games with our education. They keep us at home which is one of the reasons we are on the streets to express dissatisfaction.  There is insecurity and hunger. There is no means of survival. The atmosphere is no conducive for survival.”



The students said they want the state government to help push for end to ASUU strike.