Strike: 11 State Universities Dump ASUU


No fewer than 11 state universities are not participating in the strike declared by the Academic Staff Union of Universities.

It was reported on Monday that academic activities were going on in universities owned by Osun, Rivers, Delta, Borno, Anambra, Kwara and Akwa Ibom states as well as the three universities owned by Lagos State.


Also ahead of the National Universities Commission meeting with vice-chancellors and pro-chancellors of federal universities today (Tuesday), the Federal Government on Monday vowed to end the culture of strikes in tertiary institutions in the country.


But as the strike by ASUU entered its 204th day, lecturers in some state universities are not on strike.


Lecturers in two universities owned by Rivers State, Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt and the Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, did not join the strike.