Stop Hiding Under PENGASSAN, You’ve Lost Integrity As Union Leader -PTD tells Afolabi Olawale

Stop Hiding Under PENGASSAN, You've Lost Integrity As Union Leader -PTD tells Afolabi Olawale


The National leadership of Petroleum Tanker Drivers (PTD) Branch of Nigeria Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG) has rebuked its General Secretary, Afolabi Olawale for struggling to get a voice in the media, adding that hiding under PENGASSAN will make no difference in redeeming his battered image as the union leader has lost his Integrity and reputation.

Speaking on behalf of the Branch, an elder in the PTD Branch of NUPENG in Port Harcourt Zone, Comrade Joseph Dagogo-Jack (JP), during a media briefing on Thursday, May 16, 2024

described as laughable that Afolabi, “who cannot comprehend current union’s dynamics or articulate any meaningful conversation within the demands of the contemporary Nigeria’s blue collar oil and gas workers”, is the same character asking federal government to rescind its decision on its fiscal policy.

The Tanker Drivers’ assertion comes on the heels of Petroleum workers under the aegis of the Nigeria Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers and the Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria (NUPENGASSAN), asking the Federal Government to immediately withdraw the new landing fees imposed on helicopter operators, especially those servicing the oil and gas industry in Nigeria.

NUPENGASSAN’s resolution was jointly signed by NUPENG’s General Secretary, Afolabi Olawale and PENGASAN General Secretary, Lumumba Okugbawa.

Comrade Joseph Dagogo-Jack (JP) said:

“I have tremendous respect for PENGASSAN’s leadership and they are the true pride of trade unionism in Africa, having championed commendable resolve to protect the interest of their members no matter whose ox is gored. Unlike NUPENG that has been hijacked by one individual, the General Secretary, Afolabi Olawale. The NUPENG because of Afolabi’s shenanigans had lost more than half of its members to PENGASSAN and some have voluntarily decided to excuse themselves from the union citing lack of direction and failure in leadership.

“I want to reassure the legitimate leadership of PTD which is made up of Comrade Lucky Osesua, Comrade Gayyab Garga, Comrade Humble Obinna Power, Comrade Olabisi Akinlolu and others to know that the judiciary will grant them their mandate, having seen them to be law abiding, decorous, and disciplined in their conducts. Nigeria is under a constitutional democracy, therefore no institution under such arrangement should be seen to be desecrating the decisions of the temple of justice. The affront and disdain on the judiciary flagrantly displayed by NUPENG will definitely come with grievous consequences and that will be the turning point for the union in a most positive way.

“Meanwhile, what is NUPENG’s business on the new landing fees imposed on helicopter operators, especially those servicing the oil and gas industry in Nigeria? These are not members of NUPENG. So why the hullabaloo? Was the purpose meant to tickle fancy or to simply generate content for news in the media and for no productive or meaningful gains? The answer is yes! This is purely PENGASSAN’s call and salute them for their consistency and for upholding their policy thrust always in the interest of their members.

“We can’t forget so quickly, when Afolabi came on board in 2019 as the General Secretary, hook, line, and sinker, some few naive members of the union bought into the sales hype and swallowed the fake mantra of “Digital General Secretary” not knowing that the man will not only destroy the union with his myopic and selfish tendencies at the detriment of the entire union but as also stripped the union of its honour and distinction. In his five years in office as G.S., the union now knows better, and sadly, members including paid staff are gnashing their teeth in that knowledge of a failed union.

“Many staff members have been sacked through trump up charges, some were set up, many branches are completely destroyed, no cohesion, no policy direction, no standard no principles, all the legacies of the unions’s forebears are totally ruined by one man. It is also on record that he is always changing the Collective Bargaining Agreement of the staff, as well as the bye law and the constitution of the union to suit his selfish and demonic narratives. What happened to integrity? What happened to moral rectitude? Running a Union as big as NUPENG as private estate is very ridiculous to say the least.

“Afolabi has shown himself to be the brightest bulb in the box, criticising others but lacking the capacity to stomach criticism so as to put him on the right track, that is not leadership. So those who are associating themselves with him should have a re-think such that they would not soil their integrity and credibility in the eyes of the public, judiciary, law enforcement agencies and other industry stakeholders who are watching with keen attention and interest.”

The 79 years Comrade Dagogo-Jack however urged younger members in the union to remain loyal and committed to their mentors and the extant laws of the union. “We are not going to be apologetic, instead we are going to be forceful and consistent in telling the world our story of how an individual ran aground, a once higley reputable and greatly rated union,” he stated.

He continues, “The elders of our union and other key stakeholders need to come together, develop a well defined context, create a workable and meaningful document that can provide the strategy for the sustainable and appropriate operational modalities including timelines for NUPENG and branches under it. We are tired of seeing NUPENG and PTD in the news for all the bad reasons. This same Afolabi is facing contempt charges. He has been taking laws to his hands, conducting elections for PTD Branch at Unit, Zonal and National levels contrary to court orders, infact he is even a signatory to some PTD bank accounts. This is an aberration taken too far, and it is equally alien to our union.”