Sir Shina Peters Serenades Abidap Hotel at 35 *Obey, KSA to attend

Sir Shina Peters Serenades Abidap Hotel at 35 *Obey, KSA to attend

Abidap Hotel

The Afro Juju Creator, Sir Shina Peters aka SSP, will be leading other top stars to Abidap Hotel, Mosan, Ipaja, Lagos as the hotel marks 35 years of its existence on Saturday 28th of December, 2019.

The celebration, according to the managing director of Abidap Hotels Limited, Chief Tony Adenubi, is a three-in-one celebration; 35 years of Abidap Hotel, end of the year party and his own 65th birthday.

Adenubi said that the choice of SSP was borne out of his long time relationship with music star as well as being the first artiste to have performed live at Abidap Hotel.

Continuing, he said that other artistes billed for the event are Mega 99, Lanre Teriba aka Atorise, Segun Blessing, Wasiu Alabi  Pasuma and other in-house artistes.

He said Chief Commander Ebenezer Obey and the King of World beats, Sunny Ade aka KSA will be the guest artistes at the event.

Abidap boss who started hotel business with his uncle, the owner of Mayflower Hotel, said he has cause to glorify God because hospitality business is in his blood. “I started from barman, to store keeper, supervisor, waiter, I  had served in all departments of an hotel before becoming the MD of an hotel,” he said.

Chief Adenubi who had had contact with the likes of KSA,Obey Sir Shina Akanni, late Orlando Owoh, Dr. Sikiru Ayinde Barrister and other socialites like the late Chief Ayoku, Adebutu Kessington at Safari Hotel, Mushin, said his success is due to hard work and perseverance.

-Ayodele Lawal