Sir Shina Akanni Drops New Album, ABCD

Sir Shina Akanni Drops New Album, ABCD

Sir Shina Akanni

The Fuji Scorpido creator, Aare Sir Shina Akanni Aroworeyin aka Scorpido, has released a new album titled ‘ABCD’.(Anybody can dance).

The album is a follow up to his last effort ‘KKK’ (Kodun Kopo Hope) released about two years ago.

ABCD according to Akanni is a three track medley laced with the best of instrumentation , good lyrics ” of course with best voice , that’s my logo ‘.

He added that the album recorded at an ultra modern studio in Ikeja is being Released and marketed by Exotic records.

Speaking about the new album , Managing Director Exotic records, Olusegun Awofe Adegbesan said that the new album is vintage Shina Akanni with a different touch and it has been released on CD and other social media platforms such as itunes,youtube ,boomsplay and others.

The tracks in ABCD are ‘Jiji’, ‘Mo pate’ and ‘Ololufe’ , a love song .