Siju Iluyomade’s Arise Women 4th Free Covid-19 Vaccination Holds March 29

The stage is set for yet another of Dr Siju Iluyomade ‘Arise Women’ free Covid-19 vaccination for people who are yet to get vaccinated. Although, the pandemic as taken a low turn, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has said the virus is here to stay for now, hence people must get vaccinated.
The opportunity is the fourth in series provided by the delectable philanthropist, Dr Siju, and it is part of her support for the government in eliminating the spread of the deadly virus.
The event which will be held at the Arise Vaccination Clinic at COD Road, Chief Yusuf Abiodun Road, Oniru, Victoria Island, Lagos, on Tuesday 29th of March 2022, will administer both the first and second dose as well as booster vaccine on individuals depending on the one applicable.
According to information, all recommended vaccines including Moderna, Pfizer, J&J, Astra Zeneca will be available on the day.
The organizers, as usual, have also made provisions for participants at the event to also have free meal, in a bid to make them feel at home while taking the vaccines.