Senate Addresses ‘N20m Palliatives’ Claim by NDDC

Senate Addresses 'N20m Palliatives' Claim by NDDC


The Nigeria Senate has dismissed allegation that National Assembly members received varying sums of money as COVID-19 relief fund from the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC).



The Director of Projects, Interim Management Committee of the NDDC, Dr. Cairo Ojougboh, had alleged in a recent interview that the interventionist agency gave N20 million to each senator and N15 million to each of the House of Representatives member.



The Senate spokesperson, Senator Ajibola Basiru, in a statement on Tuesday, denied Ojougboh’s claim and challenged him to publish the names of the Senators he allegedly gave the sum.



Basiru said, “The Senate views with grave concern a statement credited to Dr Cairo Ojougboh, the Executive Director, Projects of the NDDC who alleged that National Assembly members received varying sums of money as COVID – 19 palliative.



“The Senate hereby disclaims the allegation in its entirety.


“The Senate categorically denies that any Senator collected the sum of N20 million or any sum whatsoever from NDDC as Covid relief fund of for any purpose whatsoever.



“The Senate challenges Dr Ojougboh to publicly provide evidence of his claim and list the names of the Senators he allegedly gave the alleged sum.



“Failure to provide evidence of his claim, the Senate hereby demands immediate retraction and public apology from Dr Cairo Ojougboh.”

Senate President, Ahmed Lawan