Rising Gospel Singer, Evang. Folashade Leji, Drops ‘There’s Still Mercy’

Fast rising gospel artiste, Lady Evagenlist Folashade Leji has released a six-tracker musical audio titled ‘There Is Still Mercy’ (Anu Si Wa).
Since the release of the work, we heard that fans across board have been commending the great effort of the Ondo State born gospel musician.
According to Folashade during a chat with Global Excellence magazine, she ventured into into gospel musical ministration because of her love for God.  Folashade became born again and was baptized at RCCG  before she went to CCOPEM Theological Seminary School in Ibadan. She was also at DUSOM Bible school in Abuja. She is now a serving minister of God.
”Music has always been part of me right from childhood”, she said, adding that, “I could remember right from childhood everything around me gives me inspiration so I compose songs on a daily bases to the extend  that my Daddy Sam.

Evang. Folashade Leji

Omosehin Leji of blessed memory nicknamed me ‘Comfort Omoge’. I grew up with music, and joined the choir. But that was not enough because i am sure God wants me to spread the gospel. The message God gave me is not for the church alone but for the whole world at large and I think the easiest way to pass the massage across  is through music people listen to music than message.”

According to her like any other ventures one of the challenges is inadequate funding to nurture her dream through. But as a believer she keeps on waxing stronger in her gospel music career.
In the same vein,  she believes that gospel music is taking over .
“like the Holy Bible you and I know that this is end time so most circular musicians are coming back to gospel music”, she said.