Quote – “Life is an adventure — –Live it. “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” Changing with time is to be dynamic. Dynamism is to be in conformity with every change”






NIGERIA— Is the name bringing bad luck or good luck? Is Nigeria having a lucky name? By Scherey M. Momoh


—-Every nation name has positive or negative vibes.




There is so much in a name both as a nation or individuals. Let us start with the positive words of the name Nigeria before the drawback or negative aspect of attachment to the name. The positive psychological vibrations of the name are—-














–Tourism and traveling

—Fun loving

—Happy people.



Then, the drawbacks or negative aspect of the psychological vibrations are —–


–Being docile

— Being Willful

—Being coarse/coercive

— Being Greedy

—Being Materialist

—Being Impatient

— Being in Corruption

—Hot temper




—Ostentatious Living






—–Divisive talk

—-Spilling human blood sacrifices

—-Home troubles



—-Going Extreme


The  above drawbacks  and negative aspect of the negative bring spiritual degradation. The name Nigeria gives miseries and embarrassment and afflicts with the energy of trials and tribulations. Here are the other factors facing the name below—-

Delays and Obstacles
Nigeria name energy gives many obstacles and delays. Many Nigerians face difficulties in every thing they do.  Their progress is stifled and their financial plans get blown up.

Troublesome Life
 The energy of the name, Nigeria reveals that they are forced to live in exile especially the influential and bad ones.   You remain in exile for many short and long periods.
The average Nigerians are forced to live in poverty thereby categorizing them into upper or lower classes. It is either you are poor or rich.  The fake and those milking the nation, Nigeria are driven to take loans which you are not able to repay on time. The Nigeria as a name is also causing lack of oneness, unity among the tribes, ethnicity and religious fanatics and unrest are holding the name hostage. Whatever, economic or political theory or everyday talk on how to move Nigeria forward is in the name. Once the name is altered or changed, Nigeria will experience true peace, happiness and stable progress. But if they continue with the name, they should expect miracles as your name is your destiny.

Treachery and Conspiracy
The name always reminds the people of political, business or social enemies and there is always plan to attack one’s enemies.  They make many conspiracies to catch one another. They are forced to live always on guard. They are skilled with weapons and machinery. They keep many small weapons.  They fear danger from enemies.

There are many other nations or countries who share similar energies with Nigeria.


Who gave the name Nigeria?

The Nigeria name was given by Flora Louise Shaw known as Lady Lugard. She was born on 19th December 1852 and died on 25th January 1929. She was a British journalist and writer. She coined the name “Nigeria”.

She wrote an essay which first appeared in The Times of London on 8th January 1897 by “Miss Shaw”. She suggested the name “Nigeria” for the British protectorate on the Niger River. The thought was perceived by Lady Lugard on January 8,  1897.  The thought day was prone to mistakes and errors Nigeria is facing today. Names affect character, temperament and destiny. There is a saying which states–


“Watch your thoughts. They become words. Watch your words. They become deeds. Watch your deeds. They become habits. Watch your habits. They become characters. Character is everything.”

The name Nigeria is attached—Power/Money issues

If Nigeria Authority and Nigerians choose to retain the name Nigeria, then they can live positively if they collectively realize the spiritual influence of the name Nigeria. They can lead and inspire others by example, their integrity and creativity command the intense respect and loyalty of followers but on the negative if their drive for power and wealth become obsessive, their opinions become fanatical and creative energy becomes destructive to themselves and other citizens living in their country.

Nigeria has the potential to do much good or much harm. They are prone to internal issues and conflicts that can generate physical illness or other difficulties. One of Nigeria main challenges is focus on material success; peace and happiness will continue to elude them and their leaders. Nigerians should not complain of their past and present leaders or rulers. There is a saying that states good leaders produce good followers while bad leadership produces bad leadership. Nigeria destiny lies within Nigerians. All Nigerians must work on themselves, negative attitudes and wrong perception of life as one Nigeria. Be a detribalized Nigerian.


Who is a Nigerian?

Nigeria nation is endowed with education, wisdom and the company of good allies. She has mental courage, self-confidence, physical strength, etc.  Nigeria is blessed with boldness.

The boldness of Nigeria may sometimes push them to commit violent activities. They will repent their acts. If Nigeria has suitable names, women will bring luck to them.

They achieve a comfortable life after passing through many struggles and ordeals. The difficulties they encounter in their youth make them mature and experienced persons. In spite of obstacles in their various careers, they will be successful. They will be daring and adventurous even during their youthful age. They will not hesitate to help others. Undeterred by any amount of opposition, they will reach a high rank in life.

They look majestic, bold and beautiful in appearance. They talk bluntly but they will conceal what is worth concealing.

Nigerians easily grasp what others say, they weigh the pros and cons and then take a decision in a problem.

They always like to lead an independent life. They will not live under the control of others. Where women are concerned, they do not have a good reputation. But this can be warded off if they have suitable names.

Though they freely move with many people, they have only a few friends. They will render all possible help to their friends.

If they have appropriate names, there will be less of failure and more of success. They have to face stiff opposition at every step and make progress inch by inch.

They will not hesitate to spend money like water for their mental satisfaction. After having spent much money, they will try to apply the brake and be frugal. Many of them settle in places far away from their native places. Among their friends, they will be acknowledged as the leader. When their friends suffer from grief, they offer effective consolation.


——– Below was posted since June 2017.



—-What Will This July 2017 Bring?

WATCHWORDS—– Change, Transformation and Endings

Full Moon — July 9, 2017.

New Moon— July 23, 2017.

July is the seventh month according to the English calendar. The month begins on a Saturday and ends on a Monday with a total of 31 calendar days. July 2017 is a month of The masses, The economy, The past, benevolence, forgiveness, truth, change, transformations, transitions, endings, and completion. The month is prone to violence, wildfires, accidents. Also, it brings business success; using or abusing power, responsibility and money are still the issues in July.

This is the month of keeping and letting go. Keep what works and let go of what doesn’t work anymore. It is also a month of long pending court cases waiting for judgement. Likely places that may be in the news in Nigeria in July 2017 are Abia, Adamawa, Anambra, Abakaliki, Bauchi, Bayelsa, Benue, Borno, Enugu, Ekiti, Katsina, Kogi, Jigawa, Lagos, Nassarawa, Niger, Ondo, Taraba etc.


If you are not led by the spirit of God or your intuitive voice, you may be a victim of these evil dates. Here are the dates prone to evil in this month of July.

July 1, 2017.

July 10, 2017.

July 19, 2017.

July 28, 2017

July 2, 2017.

July 11, 2017.

July 20, 2017.

July 29, 2017.

July 4, 2017.

July 13, 2017.

July 22, 2017.

July 31, 2017.

July 5, 2017.

July 14, 2017.

July 23, 2017.

July 7, 2017.

July 16, 2017.

July 25, 2015.

July 8, 2017.

July 17, 2017.

July 26, 2017


These evil dates bring bad news, accidents, fatalities, injuries, plane-crashes, sorrows, disasters, self- defeats, bad weather, rain disasters, disappointments, premature deaths, sudden deaths, natural disasters, terror attacks, explosion or fire outbreak, bad luck, etc. The eve of these dates should not also be taken for granted too.
Days Of  Taking Action in Nigeria are—-

July 1, July10, July 19, July 28.


Days of Challenges in Nigeria are —–July 7, July 16, July 25,

Days Of Changes in Nigeria are —

July 5 July 14, July 23.



July 8, July 17, July 26,

—————Posted before October  2016.









Changes occur:  March 2017 & December 2017
Challenges occur:  May 2017
Success occurs:  June 2017
New Beginnings open up:  August 2017.

Nigeria success and happiness depend on a great extent upon how much tact, diplomacy and cooperation she uses in dealing with her subjects and policies especially when things are not running smoothly. At 56 years, this is a period of slow development and not a time to push or force things to happen. Time is the keynote to the experiences; because of this, Nigeria may experience periods of delays for results cannot come to the surface all at once and any attempt to force conditions would bring even more delays or result in disharmony and broken relationships. If Nigeria tries too hard, it may result into confusion, thereby causing trouble among associations both at home and in business. Cooperation is the key to peace during Nigeria at 56 years.

There may be possibly break ups in togetherness as a nation, associations, political groups, organizations, marriages, if cooperation is not achieved. There may be break ups around November 2016, December 2016, February 2017, March 2017 and July 2017, unless people involved are more than patient. Quarrels, separations and unhappiness may result from being mean, cold and selfish. Peace keeping efforts will either be made or broken around December 2016, March 2017 and July 2017. Industries having to do with water, chemicals, kerosene, milk, cheese, butter, law, paper, dyeing, textile, dairies, agriculture, cosmetics, cloth, etc. will prosper, so Government should key more into these areas. The nation, Nigeria will take austere measures concerning its economy during the months of November 2016 and February 2017. This is a period that gives a lot of opportunities to partner, socialize and be calmed while events unfold. There may be cases of moving houses, relocations, changing jobs, or even relocating to another country.  During Nigeria @ 56 years, there are bound to be many delays, stop pages and detours and some are bound to test our faith and patience no matter how hard we push. Developments in Nigeria are likely to take far longer than we would like. In career or workforce, many civil servants and political office holders in Nigeria who are not honest, duty conscious, sensitive and considerate may lose their jobs or positions around December 2016, March 2017, April 2017, June 2017 and August 2017 while job’s moves, changes, suspension and promotions are also indicated in these aforementioned months. Nigeria will witness a major political trend.

Development and progress in Nigeria under the Buhari administration will manifest in the last quarter of 2017, that is starting from October 2017 when Nigeria will clock 57 years of existence. Nigeria@ 56 years is a period that gives a lot of opportunities to partner, socialize and be calmed while events unfold.  Cooperation is the only way to service and goodwill in Nigeria@ 56 years. Likely places to be in the news in Nigeria are Abuja, Abia, Adamawa, Abakaliki, Anambra, Bauchi, Bayelsa, Benue, Borno, Calabar, Delta, Edo, Ekiti, Enugu, Owerri, Niger, Katsina, Lagos, Kogi, Nassarawa, Ondo, Jos, Jigawa, Taraba, Ibadan, Uyo etc. Team spirit is Nigeria’s big challenge, – the power to cooperate. Leaders inspire cooperation by providing an example. Team spirit connects people who share the same value system. The power to cooperate makes tasks easy and enjoyable. Team spirit with Nigeria agenda regardless of religion, or ethnicity. For now, Nigeria is a very religious and tribal country.






—Women mysteries


—Security issues



—–Peace agreement/ Peaceful talk

—–Culture and religious war

——–Common People

——-Domestic life

——-Mood fluctuations/Changes

——Peace keepers groups

——-Floods, tidal waves and heavy rain

——  Fall of Popular-Traditional ruler.

——-Nigerian Navy and challenge



During the action and peak points, events and reactions take place. This brings tension, action and reaction or agitation in the Nigerian environment.


ACTION POINT ENERGY —— January 1st, 2017


OCTOBER 2016 TO  FEBRUARY 2017—-The theme of this period is balance through  justice. Legal dealings involving money somehow, truth, judgments, tribunal would manifest here. A period of tests, revelations, inspirations, art, entertainment, quick decisions as a result of sudden events. Accidents and calamities are high. The first action point occurred on January 1st, 2017.

FEBRUARY 2017 TO JUNE 2017—– A period of endings, transitions, sudden deaths, quarrels, separations, transformations, changes, letting go, eliminating the unwanted, charity, and inspiration. One should guard against selfishness and attachment here during this period. Showing compassion, tolerance, and understanding in your partnerships.

JUNE 2017 TO  OCTOBER 2017—— A period of business related, nemesis, karma, sowing and reaping, money issues, responsibilities, illness, obituaries, funerals dominate this period.


  1. The first turning point in Nigeria started from 1960 and ended in 1976.
  2. The second turning point in Nigeria started in 1976 and ended in 1999.
  3. The third turning point in Nigeria started in 1999 till 2027.

The turning points are significant periods in Nigeria that are prone to the good, bad and ugly news.


1966, 1975, 1984, 1993, 2002, 2011, 2020.


Category A Bookings

—–Will the year 2017 bring you success, love or good fortunes?
—-How the year 2017 will influence your personal life directly?
—-Know your personal lucky days, or lucky charm, lucky numbers, best days, dates and months in 2017 calendar year.
.—–Know your personal cautious days, dates and months in 2017 calendar year.
——Know the peak and action periods for business, traveling overseas and taking major decisions for the year.
—- Know when promotion or demotion at your place of work is coming in 2017 calendar year.

–Who am l?
—-Why am l here in this world?
—-Why was l born into my present family?
—-What are my destiny directions?
—–What are my God-given assignment, callings, talents, lucky businesses, trades or careers by birth?
——What are my challenges and opportunities in every stage of my
life and what are my current challenges and opportunities of  life now?
——-What are my lucky fortunes from birth such as personal lucky
years, lucky numbers, lucky days, lucky countries, lucky cities, lucky
colours, lucky directions, lucky day for fasting, lucky hours for
anything, lucky marriage partners, lucky business partners, lucky mobile numbers, why you are experiencing bad luck, failures, stagnation, evil eyes, spiritual attacks, disappointments, self-defeats constantly in all areas of life, etc.?

NB…… Our services are strictly confidential. Call now by booking for your readings.

Mr. Scherey. M. Momoh is a world-class Nigerian clairvoseer, trance- numerologist, Visionary, electromagnetic reader, directionologist, intuitive counselor, Yogi, facilitator, consultant, Writer, Columnist & Author…Mr  Scherey is a spiritual entrepreneur, Ceo/Chief consultant ezepheyreon global readings ( An affiliate of Ezepheyreon  nigeria)
Contact: 07036557250,  08115143273,
Emails   Lifeyouwereborntolive@gmail. com


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