Pro Iginla Pays Glowing Tributes to Late Reinhard Bonnke

Pro Iginla Pays Glowing Tributes to Late Reinhard Bonnke

Prophet Iginla
Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke

One of the leading prophetic voices in Nigeria, Prophet Joshua Iginla has penned a moving tributes on Late Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke.



Iginla described the Bonnke as one of the greatest soul winners in history:

“ I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”- 2 Tim 4:7.


Of a truth, Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke was one of the greatest soul winners in history, and his ministry literally changed our world.



He was a true father of faith and a Great General of God.



Although Reinhard Bonnke, the celebrated German evangelist, has died at the age of 79, During his more than 60 years of preaching, Bonnke was best known for his work with the Great Gospel Crusades throughout Africa Which oversaw the conversion of close to 80 million people to Christianity..



Just like Paul, family and friends could attest to it that Bonnke fought the good fight, He finished the race, And has  kept the faith.”


His life and Character as a missionary  is a reminder to Christian Leaders that For this purpose We were born and for that purpose We have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth. He laid an Example for us to follow just like our Lord Jesus did.


I as a Minister Of the Gospel will continue with the fire of burning passion for the Gospel and winning of Souls for the Kingdom which he left behind. We meet to part, We part to meet at the Bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ.



Reinhard Bonnke, the celebrated German evangelist, has died at the age of 79, according to a post on his official Facebook page. During his more than 60 years of preaching, Bonnke was best known for his work with the Great Gospel Crusades throughout Africa.



Bonnke said that he became born-again at the age of nine. His father had also been a preacher. Bonnke, a native of Königsberg, East Prussia, Germany, attended Bible College in the Welsh city of Swansea. In one biography, Bonnke said that he made his first missionary trip to Africa before he was 13 years of age.




That profile says that it was well Bonnke was in Lesotho, a country surrounded on all sides by South Africa, “God placed upon his heart the vision of ‘the continent of Africa, being washed in the precious Blood of Jesus.”



In 1984, Bonnke commissioned the construction of the largest mobile tent that was capable of holding 34,000 people. During his life, Bonnke oversaw the conversion of 77 million people to Christianity.