Places Of Worship Reopen In Kwara 


Places of worship in  Kwara state was also allowed to reopen last week.

It was made clear   that it was not going to be ‘business as usual’ as new rules have been put in place.

The state Deputy Governor who is also the Chairman of the State Technical Committee on COVID-19,  Mr. Kayode Alabi  announced the good news .

The government also gave conditions that must be met  by any mosque or church to reopen .

‘We are definitely not out of the woods as cases continue to rise especially because of violation of travel restrictions.   It is preferred that worship centres should remain shut until it is clear that the curve of transmission has been flattened.

However, in line with the presidential advisory and the positions of our religious umbrella bodies in Kwara State, worship centres in Kwara State may reopen from June 5th (Friday) provided they satisfy the following conditions:

Worship centres shall be organized (by the respective head of the congregation) in such a way that one attendant is at least one metre away from the next.

Each worship centre shall make provisions for hand washing or hand sanitizers, and infrared thermometer.

Wearing of face masks shall be mandatory for all worshippers. There shall be no handshakes or hugs   by the worshippers.

Children remain restricted from worship centres while people above 65 or persons with underlying health conditions are urged to stay away from worship centres.

Muslims should perform ablution before leaving home. Ablution spots are not allowed for now to avoid the spread of the virus.

Muslim women are to stay away from mosques as suggested by the leadership of the Muslim community in the state.

Each worship centre should dedicate a few minutes before service or prayers to educate attendants about COVID-19 and its dangers.

Adequate ventilation must be ensured at each worship centre’ he said.