Pets in many parts of the globe have become an integral part of families with some households having as many as four and others going as high as six and more; the reason is not far-fetched, they are man’s closest (non- human) friends.

It has been reported in many places too that pets have taken ill instead of the owners due to their very intimate relationship. From giving warning signs to being good play mates; pets are filled with advantages and uniqueness.

According to Sarah Aigbotsua, the boss of Pet Planet, “pet stories and research from this side of the world have revealed that a significant number of individuals, groups, and organizations have some sort of reservation about pets for a number of reasons which actually narrow down to lack of credible information from credible pet dealers. This is why we at Pet Planet Nigeria thought to put this out so we all will know of pets and their uniqueness.”

Aigbotsua states further; “The first move in pet ownership which is purchase is where issues start from in many cases. The guide here is, do not purchase a pet from an unlicensed, unknown or untraceable vendor or outfit; it causes more harm than good, chiefs being that the purchaser will definitely not have useful knowledge of the pet’s state and the seller will most likely vanish into thin air. A very high percentage of pets purchased this way either die away or infect the owner with some kind of ailment.

Furthermore, pets are a good security detail but this is largely dependent on training received which in turn is dependent on the trainer(s). It should also be noted that there are different kinds, levels of training programmes and processes for different breeds of pets; credible research and sources have revealed that only Pet Planet Nigeria has these comprehensive and affordable training schemes that have yielded the wanted results over time. Another very important part of pets’ existence that is often poorly carried out is feeding; we say the way to one’s heart is his stomach, so it is with pets. Now pets are unlike humans in many aspects including food so they require proper feeding guides/officers that take care of gauging food size, nutritional benefits, water and supplements to make sure that the pet stays in the best mental frame. A major consequence of improper feeding is the triggering of hormones that lead to an attack; first comes a buildup of anger and as the irregular, wrong combination of food persists, the rage increases; a lot of animals see in black-and-white (which is why it takes time for some to recognize people) and when they get to that level of food-induced rage, it becomes pretty difficult to recognize anybody at all including its owner, the result in many cases is quite disastrous. Pets’ feeding and nutrition is one of the fortes at Pet Planet Nigeria as the organization is recognized and respected in the West African sub-region when it comes to standard feeding and edibles for any kind of pet.

You may wish to contact us on;, TWITTER/IG:: @petplanetnaija. Pet Planet is a reputable outfit duly registered in Nigeria and South Africa for purchase, training, consultancy and everything else needed about pets. You are guaranteed utmost professionalism for desired results.”

Addressing the issue of regular check-up on pets and treating them of ailments, the pets experts said, “after careful checks and study, we found out that many pets (including some owned by notable figures) that have visited Pet Planet Nigeria have been living with one (minor) ailment or another and have displayed warning signs that went unnoticed usually because of the busy schedule of pet owners or absence of pet knowledge for others. Because of the size of some of these pets and their inability to relate to us humans in a way we can easily understand we usually cannot tell that a pet is sick until very significant weight is lost and the pet retracts completely; at this time it’s usually too late for treatment as such the pet gives up in a matter of days.”

“We also do not want to take away the fact that an absence of credible and trustworthy pet handlers in Nigeria has seen us lose a number of pets that would have made the world more fun. That’s why Pet Planet is here.

Essentially, a lot of things matter when dealing with pets and the resultant behaviour is often dependent on the good treatment or otherwise given to them,” he concludes.

-Alonge Michael