OYO C Dazzles At Anambra ‘Industry Night’ Show

OYO C Dazzles At Anambra 'Industry Night' Show

Oyo C

Fast rising Hip Hop act, Oyo C, has lined up shows for this January with the just concluded ‘Industry Night’ event that took place at De Platinos, BCA Road,  Umuahia, Abia State.


The performance of the ‘Onuru Ube’ crooner, sources said, will remain memorable in the hearts of fun-seekers who attended the event.


The Abia State born act got all on their feet when he switched to the track of his new hit single, ‘Woronso baby’, sources said, while fans went wild dancing and following up.


Other artistes that exhibited their talents at the show include J6, MC Organic, Synglet, TS, DJ Cheff, and a host of others.


Oyo C is an award winning R &B/Pop Artiste who signed under an international music record label, Face Reality Records. The duo have won scores of awards both home and abroad based on their contributions to Nigerian music.


“A lot of achievements had been recorded by me and my able record label, Face Reality Records. Last year alone, we won scores of awards to our credit. My video, ‘Onuru Ube’, did the wonder for us, my fans all over the world appreciated me through the video and I am sure this new song, ‘Woronso Baby,’ will also speak volumes,” Oyo C brags in a recent press interview.


-Rahman Is’mail