Osun Govt Clears Air On Ondo Handshake Palaver


Osun state government penultimate Wednesday described a viral video reportedly taken during  one of the events held to mark   the 70th birthday and 17th coronation anniversary of the Osemawe of Ondo Kingdom,  Oba Victor Kiladejo in Ondo city during the weekend as one that has been modified.
 Senator Olubiyi Fadeyi-Ajagunla , who represents Osun Central ,was installed as  Basofin of Ondo Kingdom during the event in question and Governor Ademola Adeleke and the Ooni of Ife, Ooni Adeyeye Ogunwusi were among dignitaries that graced the occasion.
In a video that had gone viral on Tuesday night, Ooni of Ife’s outstretched hand offering the governor a handshake was ‘put on hold’.
Governor Adeleke had instead  chosen to shake hands with  the man sitting beside the Ife monarch but later returned to  exchange greetings with Ooni .
Oluomo Kolapo Alimi , who is the Commissioner for Information and Public Enlightenment, had since described the video in question as fake and asserted  that it was doctored.
 That was not all, separate video which had the governor, the Ooni and  Chief Dele Momodu filmed while exchanging pleasantries was made available to journalists by the state government.
Another video  posted by MCMALAGA also showed that the governor already shook hands with Ooni Ogunwusi  before  the Ife monarch whispered in his ear and looked in the direction of the dignitary that Adeleke left to exchange pleasantries with.
‘The attention of the Osun State Government has been drawn to a doctored video being circulated on social media by agents of the opposition and fake news peddlers. 
Governor Ademola Adeleke and Ooni of Ife, HRM, Oba Enitan Ogunwusi Ojaja II enjoy the best of relations as evident by the cordial exchange of pleasantries at the Palace of Osemawe of Ondo during  Senator Olubiyi Ajagunla’s installation ceremony. 
We are by this medium appealing to members of the public to disregard the doctored video in its entirety while we have uploaded the original videos for public consumption’ Kolapo Alimi submitted